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[News] Hewlett-Packard Announces Extension of GNU/Linux Products

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HP Expands App Bodyguard Service

,----[ Quote ]
| HP's Serviceguard for Linux will now support Novell Suse and Red Hat Xen VMs, 
| the company announced. The computer maker has also outlined its Strategy 
| Workshop and Migration Assessment Services, aimed at helping enterprises roll 
| out OpenLDAP directories.   


Last week:

Unwanted licences boost Vista numbers

,----[ Quote ]
| "From the 30th of June, we have no longer been able to ship a PC with an XP
| licence," said Jane Bradburn, a marketing manager for HP Australia. "However,
| what we have been able to do with Microsoft is ship PCs with a Vista Business
| licence but with XP pre-loaded. That is still the majority of business
| computers we are selling today."
| Therefore the Vole's claims for high Vista sales figures are merely so much
| steer manure. The major PC vendors are still preloading Windows XP, but
| Microsoft is counting those XP preloads as Vista sales.



An Open Video to HP

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| Shawn Powers has a message for hardware vendors. Listen up!


E-mail: Microsoft 'botched' dealings with Intel, HP

,----[ Quote ]
| Internal Microsoft e-mails revealed through a federal class-action lawsuit
| arising from the troubled launch last year of the Windows Vista operating
| system have provided a provocative inside look at the software giant's
| machinations with Intel, HP and Dell.
| The e-mails include an exchange in which one senior Microsoft executive
| described dealings with computer makers as "really botched." Another manager
| complained Microsoft was "caving to Intel" and "really burning HP."
| The e-mails are included in 145 pages of documents unsealed by U.S. District
| Judge Marsha Pechman in Seattle late Wednesday. They include internal
| reports and some handwritten notes that offer a rare look inside at the
| famed "Wintel" partnership, and touch upon the alliance's dealings with
| Hewlett-Packard, Dell and other computer makers.


Microsoft seeds HP PCs with Live Search

,----[ Quote ]
| Ever determined to close the gap on Google, Microsoft has cut a deal with HP
| to dope all new PCs it flogs to North Americans with Live Search.


HP loves Linux the Windows way

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| Well, unless you’re used to the fact that your hardware vendor offers you RPM
| or DEB packages for Windows products, it shouldn’t surprise you that HP
| offers only Windows executables as a way to support its Linux products...


The France Shift From No to Abstain -- HP helped Microsoft France do it

,----[ Quote
| Here's the scoop from Les Echos.fr on France's sudden change from its No vote
| to Abstain. Microsoft France's President Eric Boustouller sent AFNOR a  
| letter [PDF] in French, of course. He tells a tale about OOXML and ODF
| progressing side by side and how if OOXML is approved, a group will be
| working hard to make the two more interoperable. Attached was a an HP
| statement of support for OOXML. HP sings the same song. And AFNOR?    
| [...]
| Could it be any more cynical? So, now we know that HP is not supportive of
| Linux and FOSS as we thought. Knock me over with a feather. So, they got them
| to change on the basis of promises for the future. I'm sure there's more to
| the story, of course.  



Microsoft dirty tricks, part two

,----[ Quote ]
| So the outside vendor was Hewlett-Packard, one of Microsoft's hardware OEMs,
| which is to say Microsoft's bitch.
| The tape disappearance was blamed on HP, which  accepted the blame,
| and the employees directly involved kept expecting there to be
| repurcussions, especially legal ones.  They expected to be deposed by
| Burst lawyers.  But it never happened.
| This was, for Microsoft, a perfect ending.


Microsoft, HP expand business alliance

,----[ Quote ]
| A new deal announced Wednesday calls for, among other things, more HP
| workers to be trained to sell Microsoft products.


French consumer protectionists are demanding PCs without preinstalled

,----[ Quote ]
| The consumer protectionists of the French organization UFC-Que Choisir
| are demanding of the IT group Hewlett-Packard and the vendors Auchan
| and Darty that they offer PCs without preinstalled software.
| [...]
| UFC-Que Choisir last year also took action against Sony and Apple,
| taking the two companies to court for allegedly putting their
| customers at a disadvantage through proprietary DRM technologies
| and curtailing their choice of devices.


HP offers Linux home server

,----[ Quote ]
| HP has unveiled a Linux-based home media server at half the price of its
| Microsoft-based MediaSmart model.


KDE 4.0 on HP 2133 Mini-Note

,----[ Quote ]
| Last week HP announced it's Mini-Note PC with preloads of SUSE Linux
| Enterprise Desktop 10. Our heros of the Mobile Devices Team have worked the
| last weeks on that. The Mini-Note is available in different configurations
| starting at $499 (that would be only 313 Euro if applied for Europe without
| surcharge). All editions share the form factor, the nearly full-size keyboard
| and the nice display (1280x768). So I had to lend one from Mobile Devices
| team and play with it.      


HP Media Vault 2100 Linux Server Reviewed: One Kick-Ass Little Penguin

,----[ Quote ]
| In the end, this product isn't just another NAS, but a bold statement that HP
| is making, that it doesn't have to be saddled by the rough riders of Redmond
| when it can build (license?) its own practically identical box at a lower
| cost. Now I know that there are some things that you can only do with a
| PC-like server running a full OS, but honestly, what are they? I mean, do
| most people, even die-hard server-needers, give a crap? I want to know from
| you folks: Why bother with Windows Home Server when the Linux-based
| alternatives are on the surface equally friendly, equally powerful and—oh
| yeah—half the cost?        


HP-UX Powered by Linux Development Tools?

,----[ Quote ]
| Hewlett-Packard said it will offer a second interim update of HP-UX 11i v3,
| the company’s Unix operating system. HP said the latest update, code-named
| Versatility, offers improved performance, security certification and new
| bundled applications.  
| [...]
| Though HP-UX does compete against Linux, it co-operates with Linux in at
| least one critical area, namely development tools.


HP's Got Linux On The Low End

,----[ Quote ]
| Seems like everyone's getting into the low-end notebook market these days.  
| Hewlett-Packard is the newest of the bunch to step up to the plate with its
| VIA-driven HP 2133 Mini-Note, a nifty-looking machine that clocks in at $499
| for a Linux edition.  A little pricier than the ASUS Eee, but it looks like
| low-cost computing is one niche for Linux to derive wider market penetration.    

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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