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[News] [SOT] MAFIAA Resorts to Extortion to Hopelessly Revive Dead Biz Model

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US cuts funding to universities

,----[ Quote ]
| MAFIAA starts education protection racket
| SCHOOLS AND UNIVERSITIES in the 'Land of the Free' will lose funding unless 
| they become copyright cops for the film and music industry. 


Same in the UK: BPI/Brown/ISP conspiracy/extortion.

Illegal downloading is here to stay

,----[ Quote ]
| Music companies need to stop resisting and accept that illegal downloading is 
| a fact of 21st-century life, according to a new study by music rights 
| holders. Researchers analysed the downloading of Radiohead's In Rainbows – 
| which was made freely available through an official website - and found that 
| a majority of fans still pirated the music.    
| [...]
| "The expectation among rights holders is that in order to create a success 
| story, you must reduce the rate of piracy," Garland said. "We've found that 
| is not the case."  
| The authors of the study argue that music rights holders need to find "new 
| ways" and "new places" to generate income from their music, rather than 
| chasing illegal downloads – for example, licensing agreements with YouTube or 
| legal peer-to-peer websites. In other words, they ought to do the musical 
| equivalent of giving away free ice-cream and selling advertising on the 
| cones.     



Judges warned about RIAA antics

,----[ Quote ]
| AMERICA'S TOP JUDGES have been briefed on the antics of the Recording
| Industry Association of America.
| New York attorney Ray Beckerman has written a paper for the American Bar
| Association's Judge's Journal's bumper summer issue.
| Beckerman, who defends people sued by the MAFIAA, told judges about the finer
| points of case law relating to the wave of P2P cases.


RIAA Hopes New Judge will Nab Sharers

,----[ Quote ]
| Rather that directing the lawsuit at the same defendants as before, the RIAA
| directed it at John Doe (a defendant to be identified later), therefore
| obtaining a new judge ... who may not be so strict about the "making
| available" clauses.
| Nice move, RIAA.


UK ISPs agree to menace their filesharing users

,----[ Quote ]
| According to the BBC this week's deal takes the form of a Memorandum of
| Understanding between the ISPs and the Department for Business, Enterprise &
| Regulatory Reform (BERR). Under it, ISPs are reported to have committed to
| achieving a significant reduction in illegal filesharing, and to educate
| their customers on copyright. They need only follow the shining examples of
| the RIAA and the BPI and lo, it will be done.



RIAA, MPAA urge pro-copyright vows from presidential candidates

,----[ Quote ]
| One question, for instance, asks: "How would you promote the progress of
| science and creativity, as enumerated in the U.S. Constitution, by upholding
| and strengthening copyright law and preventing its diminishment?"  


Conspiracy Against Shareaza and Open Letter to the Recording Industry

,----[ Quote ]
| French recording labels are suing three P2P software vendors, including
| Shareaza. They make many false claims against Shareaza in order to win in
| court. This is an open letter to them, setting the record straight and a look
| at MusicLab who now control iMesh and Bearshare, and has recently hijacked
| Shareaza.com.


Grandmother targets RIAA ‘investigators’

,----[ Quote ]
| Taking a page out of Tanya Andersen’s book, Hurricane Rita survivor
| Rhonda Crain is also targeting the RIAA practice of using
| unlicensed ‘investigators’ in its bizarre sue ‘em all marketing
| campaign.


An Oregon Woman's Lawsuit against the RIAA, Alleging Racketeering and Malicious

,----[ Quote ]
| however, that the RIAA is, at a minimum, very foolish to press suits
| for purported file-sharing against unlikely defendants like Andersen -
| who alleges that she came forward with solid proof of her innocence.


MediaDefender Leaks Cost The Company $825,000

,----[ Quote ]
| The anti-piracy organization MediaDefender lost $825,000 as a result of the
| leaked emails according to a recent filing submitted to the Securities and
| Exchange Commission (SEC). It is beginning to look like they have to walk the
| plank to bankruptcy after all.  


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