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[News] [Rival] Microsoft is Scared

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What Is Microsoft So Afraid Of?

,----[ Quote ]
| But Microsoft's unusual behavior over the last few weeks has taken a 
| different form: for the first time, perhaps since the Netscape threat arose 
| in the early 1990s, Microsoft is acting scared.  


Microsoft Calls Firefox Competitor To Windows

,----[ Quote ]
| The report shows that Microsoft is aware of its own important balancing act 
| as the company strives to maintain its relevance and dominance in the 
| services era.   


Microsoft: a loss of $110,000,000,000 in value so far this year.


Microsoft Holders Say Web Spending Masks Idea Drought (Update1)

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft Corp. Chief Executive Officer Steve Ballmer says he plans to spend
| hundreds of millions of dollars to fix the company's unprofitable Internet
| business. His investors say they want proof he knows what to do with the
| money.
| After walking away from six months of on-again, off-again talks about buying
| all or part of Yahoo! Inc., owner of the No. 2 Web search engine, Ballmer has
| left shareholders wondering if he has a plan B.
| Microsoft, the biggest software maker, has lost about $90 billion in market
| value this year as Ballmer vacillated on Yahoo and failed to show how he
| would crack Google Inc.'s dominance of Internet advertising.


A prayer for Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft did not invent proprietary software. It may well benefit from
| proprietary lock-in, but is not the cause of it, and it's unreasonable to
| expect Microsoft to unilaterally disarm to the detriment of its shareholders.
| No, our work is to change the industry, not the behavior of but one of its
| participants. The place to start (and end?) is patents, which most everyone
| seems to hate, yet most everyone also seems to continue arming themselves
| with patents in a mad race to mutually assured destruction. A Cold War, all
| over again.

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