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Re: [News] Sheldon Goldberg an Exposed Patent Troll; Ubuntu Takes Defensive Stance

Verily I say unto thee, that Phil Da Lick! spake thusly:
> Moshe Goldfarb. wrote:
>> On Fri, 01 Aug 2008 20:30:27 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:

>>> They should make patent trolling a federal crime.
>> You mean like SPAMMING and astrotrufing evidently are in EU?
>> Better watch out Roy Schestowitz, because you are guilty of 
>> both....
> "Pot! You are black!".

Not even that ... he's outright lying.

How can someone be said to be astroturfing, when what it is that person
represents is Free? Which single company benefits exclusively from Roy's
advocacy? Equally how can Roy be spamming when he isn't actually selling

OTOH Windows "evangelists" do in fact represent just one company, and
are therefore advertising its commercial products. In a Linux newsgroup
/that/ is spam, and the fact that these spammers lie about their
impartiality makes it astroturfing. They are clearly connected to
Microsoft in some manner, either by employment; contract or investment.
Their faux "grass roots" support is a lie because, at best, they have an
undisclosed conflict of interest, and at worst are probably being
employed directly to sabotage the competition, just as Microsoft has
been caught so doing in the past. It's not like there isn't a precedent
for this, it's well documented.

So the question remains, if Roy is "astroturfing", then which single
company is he "astroturfing" for? Where is this fictitious "Free
Software Corporation" that embodies all of GNU/Linux, and derives profit
from Roy's aggregation of news?

Of course the Trolls know the utter ridiculousness of their claims. They
don't actually believe their own lies, they just keep chanting them over
an over, in the hope that the mud will stick. It's creating stigma by
indoctrination - IOW the Big Lie - a tactic that's become the trademark
of businesses like Microsoft that operate like gangsters, and apparently
Flatty Goldfarb is one of them.

I wonder what Flatty's price was to prostitute himself to Microsoft?


| By bucking Microsoft for open source, says Gunderloy, "I'm no
| longer contributing to the eventual death of programming."
| ~ http://www.linux.com/feature/142083

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