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[News] StarOffice Can Replace Microsoft, But the Cloud to Beat All?

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Star Office by Sun Microsystems Part 1

,----[ Quote
| You might wonder why I think this section is necessary. If you switch to 
| OpenOffice or StarOffice, your colleuges at work, your friends, family, and 
| everyone else in the world may not. This means that you will undoubtedly need 
| to read the documents they create using your office application and it needs 
| to be compatible.     


Cloud Computing : Apocalypse Now!

,----[ Quote ]
| I definitely need a new career: the IT is going from crazy to nuts. From 
| Thomas John Watson to Gerrit Huizenga. 
| A quick timeline:
| 1943: «I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.» — Thomas 
| John Watson Sr., Chairman, IBM Corporation 
| 2008: «Cloud computing is it. The next big thing. The future of computing. 
| There will be only five clouds in the future.» — Gerrit Huizenga, Solutions 
| Architect, Cloud Computing & Open Source expert, Systems and Technology 
| Group, IBM Corporation   


Days ago:

Google enrolled for schools email deal

,----[ Quote ]
| Google has snatched what is believed to be its biggest single client in the
| world - the NSW Department of Education - away from its rival Microsoft to
| claim up to 1.3 million new users of its free email product.



Last week:

Swapping Microsoft for Google works at UK paper

,----[ Quote ]
| Might the news that the Telegraph Media Group (TMG) is moving to Google Apps
| and phasing out Microsoft Office and Exchange be in future remembered as the
| end of the Microsoft desktop arm-lock? Probably not, but the stakes are so
| high that it's worth a little speculation.

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