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[News] List of Resources for Free Software Developers

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12 Resources for Free Open Source Tutorials and Tools

,----[ Quote ]
| Since its inception, we've tried to make collections of tips, pointers to 
| free tutorials, and advice on the best applications a regular part of the 
| editorial content here at OStatic. These have included screenshot-driven 
| guided tours to how to use top tier OSS applications, pointers to free 
| tutorials on everything from AJAX to OpenOffice, and guidance on finding free 
| open source webinars on topics such as MySQL and Ubuntu. We're in the process 
| of putting up a dedicated repository for all of these, but in the meantime, 
| here are 12 of our most popular educational roundup posts.       



Study: Java still top programming language

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| Java has its detractors, but according to a recent reading of the Tiobe
| Programming Community Index, it's still the dominant programming language,
| with little change in its overall popularity since August 2007. Runners up?
| C, (Visual) Basic, C++, and PHP.


Linux Development Thriving

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| There was a time when developers were clamouring all over Microsoft, but
| latest figures from Evans Data shows that fewer than one in ten software
| developers are writing applications for Windows Vista this year – just eight
| percent. To rub salt in the wound, the data shows that 49 percent of
| developers are writing applications for Windows XP.
| Linux is also thriving it would seem. 13 percent are writing applications,
| with 15.5 percent in 2009.
| [...]
| Unfortunately for Microsoft, that probably means re-investing in XP and
| dumping Vista like an unwanted prom date.


Vista's big problem: 92 percent of developers ignoring it

,----[ Quote ]
| Such appreciation for history is not likely to warm the cockles of
| Microsoft's heart, especially when Linux is getting lots of love from
| developers (13 percent writing apps for it this year and 15.5 percent in
| 2009).


Coders Tell Why They're Avoiding Vista

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| Microsoft Corp. undoubtedly wanted to avoid its current predicament. It has
| been publicly talking up features in Vista since 2003 -- half a decade.
| But such "overmarketing," as Krasowski calls it, can rebound. Experienced
| developers have become jaded towards the third-party apps Microsoft trots out
| as exemplars of Redmond's latest technology -- "demoware," he calls them --
| that sparkle with flashy animation and video.


Mobile Developers Still Favor .Net and Java, But The Popularity Of Linux And
Android Is Growing

,----[ Quote ]
| Still, it's worth noting that Linux, Android and Mac OS are all on the rise
| despite the fact that they are either still coming to market, or have
| relatively small market share.



Holy Crap: Did Bill Gates Just Say Windows Sucks?

,----[ Quote ]
| We asked a simple question: what Microsoft product could have used a little
| more polish before release? The answer astounded us. We would just like to
| thank Bill Gates for his honesty and his openness.

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