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Re: Microsoft sees 'huge increase' in IE attacks

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____/ Terry Porter on Tuesday 16 December 2008 22:59 : \____

> On Tue, 16 Dec 2008 17:15:15 +0100, KUTLOZE SCHEEFGEPOEPTE wrote:
>> "Peter Köhlmann" <peter.koehlmann@xxxxxxxx> schreef in bericht
>> news:4947ce78$0$32676$9b4e6d93@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>>>> <Quote>
>>>>  Microsoft Corp. warned Saturday of a "huge increase" in attacks
>>>> exploiting a critical unpatched vulnerability in Internet Explorer
>>>> (IE) and said some originated from hacked pornography sites....
>>>> Hackers have been exploiting a data binding bug in IE for more than a
>>>> week...
>>> Bullshit.
>> Someone should report him to his boss <snip>
> The trolls have to work for Microsoft I think, no honour, no honesty
> just lowlife tactics to try and win at any cost, just to make more money.
> KUTLOZE SCHEEFGEPOEPTE, you are a total jerk.

Watch what Microsoft's little criminals and cronies do to academics whom they
don't like:


They should show this to Neelie and get some tools arrested, with their
products embargoed.

“Many believe that the stock market crash of 1929 caused the Great Depression
yet history clearly shows that it was instead simply bad government policy
that was manipulated by leaders such as Insull. Today many now fear a similar
stock market crash but in reality the economy is very strong and, if we can
reform this pyramid at Microsoft, the overall market should not need to
correct more than 20 percent.


“Microsoft’s perspective is best reflected by Bob Herbold, Chief Operating
Officer, to whom the CFO reports. Bob very sincerely replied, “Bill, everyone
is doing it.” My response was that Microsoft is a leader and that others are
now seeking to emulate these fraudulent practices they have legitimized.
Naturally Bob was not pleased by this perspective and that was our final
conversation. A second informal response came when Microsoft asked PR Newswire
to stop issuing my press releases.

“Microsoft is PR Newswire’s largest client.” 


- -- 
                ~~ Best of wishes

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