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[News] OpenOffice.org Downloaded Over 2,000,000 Times Per Week

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OpenOffice.org saves you £30Million/day…

,----[ Quote ]
| That looks to be a rough average of about 300,000 downloads of the free and 
| open source OpenOffice.org application suite every day for the last 28 days, 
| which means about 8.5Million downloads this month.   


That's /double/ the old pace.


OpenOffice skakes Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| OpenOffice is an open-source software outfit responsible for a bundle of
| productivity software that competes with the Seattle company's great cash
| cow, Microsoft Office.


Small Businesses Tips: Software Alternatives Can Trim Costs

,----[ Quote ]
| OpenOffice, a project from Sun Microsystems, offers almost all of the same
| core functionality of Office, including spreadsheets, word processing and
| presentation software. The program is a free download that will work on any
| computer running the Windows, Macintosh or Linux operating systems -- so even
| if you have a variety of systems at your business, employees can use the same
| familiar software on any machine.


Review: OpenOffice.org 3.0

,----[ Quote ]
| The six applications contained in OpenOffice are the Writer word processor,
| the Calc spreadsheet, the Impress presentation program, the Base database
| package, the Draw vector graphics application and the Math formulae editing
| tool.


OpenOffice 3.0 reviewed

,----[ Quote ]
| Nine years after Sun Microsystems bought StarOffice, the resulting
| OpenOffice.org project is has rolled out its 3.0 release. Enhanced format
| compatibility and features put it on par with Microsoft Office.


OpenOffice.org Breaks Records Everywhere

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| All around the world, it seems, people just can't get enough of this amazing
| free office suite, which is now turning in serious market shares in some
| countries. For, example, according to this report, there are now 12 million
| users in Brazil, representing fully 25% of the entire office market there.


ODF approved as Swedish Standard

,----[ Quote ]
| Without making a press release or public announcement the Swedish Standards
| Institute has formally approved ODF 1.0 as a national standard. Only the “SS”
| prefix in SS-ISO/IEC 26300:2008 give away the status of the document.


Brazilian Government Formalizes its Intention to Adopt ODF

,----[ Quote ]
| Some very significant bodies of the Brazilian Government and government-owned
| corporations have just signed an agreement to adopt Open Document Format as
| their standard format for the exchange of electronic documents.


Melaka City Council's OSS migration and savings

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| In our ongoing series of Free and Open Source Software deployments in
| Malaysia, OpenMalaysiaBlog is proud to highlight the efforts of the City
| Council of Melaka. They were one of the first few departments to migrate
| completely to OpenOffice.org (98% of their 300 hundred seats. They need to
| retain a few copies of MS Office for some difficult proprietary files). Back
| in 8 December 2006, the Mayor of Melaka, Y.Bhg. Dato’ Haji Zaini bin Mohd
| Nor, presented "Successful Deployment Of OpenOffice In The Public Sector
| Seminar" and was very enthusiastic about OpenOffice.org.


The State of Kedah moves to OpenOffice.org

,----[ Quote ]
| A case study submitted to the Open Source Competency Center by the Center of
| Information Technology, Office of the Chief Minister and State Secretary of
| Kedah, has indicated that OpenOffice.org has been installed in 70% of the
| computers in the Kedah state government agencies. There are currently 2,202
| installed seats and by the looks of it, the numbers will just keep rising!


The entire State of Pahang moves to OpenOffice.org

,----[ Quote ]
| Its just been made official that the State of Pahang is migrating all its
| productivity suites to OpenOffice.org. This succint memo from the State
| Secretary of Pahang entitled "Perlaksanaan Penggunaan Perisian OpenOffice.Org
| Di Semua Agensi dan Pentadbiran Negeri" (translated: "Implementation of
| OpenOffice.org suite in all State Agencies and Administrative centres")
| outlines the reasons for migrating, the benefits and how to proceed.


French hospital migrates to OpenOffice.org

,----[ Quote ]
| According to this French article, the French hospital of Thiers is migrating
| its 150 desktops to OpenOffice.org in order to spend money on training
| instead of licenses.


Huge Success for the ODF Community

,----[ Quote ]
| OpenOffice.org, which is just one implementation of ODF, is currently being
| downloaded more than 1.2M times per week and being distributed by popular
| hardware products like the Asus Eee PC. Government organizations around the
| world are adopting OpenOffice.org and/or ODF and have started to help each
| other with their adoption challenges. Thus, ODF has become a "market force"
| that can't be ignored anymore. Thus, again, congratulations and thank you to
| all the people who have contributed to the success of OpenOffice.org and ODF
| so far! Well done!

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