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[News] Wintel Press Covers Free Software

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Cost-Conscious Companies Turn to Open-Source Software

,----[ Quote ]
| As the recession puts pressure on tech spending, many companies are turning 
| to open-source software to handle more IT tasks 


Open-Source Software

,----[ Quote ]
| A good place to start is SourceForge.net, a Web site where nearly any 
| open-source software might be found and downloaded. While open-source 
| software is free to download, there are usually costs associated with 
| maintaining it and training employees how to use it. Companies can purchase 
| those services in annual subscription fees from commercial open-source 
| vendors.     


The Wintel press seems to have realised that readers are not interested in
Wintel. The /sponsors/ of Wintel press are interested in Wintel.


Good-Bye PC Magazine

,----[ Quote ]
| Today, almost all of my work appears online first. I’m fine with that. Still,
| I got my start with now long gone print publications like Byte and
| PC/Computing. Seeing PC Magazine, the most popular of all the print PC
| publications leave is like seeing an old friend moving to another country. I
| know he’ll still be alive out there online, but it just isn’t going to be the
| same.



Ziff Davis files for bankruptcy protection

,----[ Quote ]
| Print and Web publisher Ziff Davis Media filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy
| protection on Wednesday, citing declining advertising revenue and
| subscriptions as contributing factors, according an Associated Press report
| Wednesday.


Breaking: Wikileaks Missing

,----[ Quote ]
| Breaking News has just learned that Wikileaks — the website utilized to post
| materials obtained from Republican Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin's
| personal Yahoo mail account — is, for undisclosed reasons, no longer
| available online. The extent of the outage is not currently known, thought it
| appears all mirrors of the site are offline, including domains for the United
| Kingdom, Belgium, and Christmas Island.
| We have been unable to identify the source of the outage, though the internet
| is alive with rumors. Paramount among them is the obvious and expected
| suggestion that U.S. law enforcement — who are known to be investigating the
| incident — has shut down the site. However, Wikileaks is hosted by Swedish
| provider PRQ — notorious for employing a "no questions asked" policy towards
| its customers — and U.S. authorities would lack the jurisdiction to take
| action against PRQ.


Wikileaks Shutdown: Censorship Is Censorship

,----[ Quote ]
| If Wikileaks were a print publication, the injunction that has shut down the
| site would be unthinkable. Back in 1931, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a
| Minnesota law that allowed the closing of any "malicious, scandalous and
| defamatory" periodical. This court, by contrast, has not only barred future
| publication of the documents at issue but elected to put Wikileaks out of
| business.    


Free Speech Advocates Mount Legal Battle to Unchain Wikileaks

,----[ Quote ]
| In Bank Julius Baer & Co., Ltd v. Wikileaks, et al, the plaintiff claims that
| the posting of certain documents to the Wikileaks site violated Swiss and
| Cayman Island bank secrecy laws.  
| Judge Jeffrey White ordered domain registrar Dynadot to disable Wikileaks.org
| in response to Julius Baer & Co.'s complaint. The groups behind the request
| to lift the injunction claim that it violates the First Amendment.  


WikiLeaks Under Fire

,----[ Quote ]
| The transparency group WikiLeaks.org currently seems to be under heavy fire.
| The main WikiLeaks.org DNS entry is unavailable, reportedly due to a
| restraining order relating to a series of articles and documents released by
| WikiLeaks about off-shore trust structures in the Cayman Islands. The
| WikiLeaks whistle blower, allegedly former vice president of the Cayman
| Islands branch of swiss bank Julius Baer, states in the WikiLeaks documents
| that the bank supported tax evasion and money laundering by its clients from
| around the world      

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