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Re: Bitchslap for Asstroturfer Bargehassus >>Microsoft's Ballmer cheese: More Cuming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On Sun, 10 Feb 2008 11:21:10 +0100, Hadron wrote:

> "[H]omer" <spam@xxxxxxx> writes:
>> [X-Posting snipped]

>> By bribing OEM's to exclude any software other than Microsoft's.
> I wonder what MS's legal department would make of this unsubstantiated
> slander?
> Are you mad?
> Seriously.
> Are you deranged?

It's pretty much a given that Microsoft is already very well aware of
[homer], Roy, Mark and the others.

As for being mad, yes [Homer] is mad as a hatter.


>> By sabotaging other companies (and even charities), then shoehorning
> Charities? I almost hope they lock you up.

Maybe he can share a cell with Roy Schestowitz and Mark Kent.
That should be cozy.

>> their bloated slop into mobile; embedded; and other lightweight devices
>> originally destined as GNU/Linux machines.
> Huh?

Ya got me?

>> IOW they'll waste even more money on a console that scratches discs,
>> crashes, breaks, catches fire, burns your house down, then kills your
>> baby. Presumably most of this "investment" will go on legal fees to
>> lawyers who will denounce the victims' claims as trivial.
> And they kill babies? You are a moron.

I think [Homo] is going off the deep end.


>> I.e. a $10,000 coffee table, based on ideas stolen from Jeff Han.
> You still don't understand how advanced the SW is for that do you?

He can't even write his own COLA statistics script for goodness sakes.
How can he possibly understand something like the above.

> Are you related to 7?

He's 7's little brother, number 2.

Moshe Goldfarb
Collector of soaps from around the globe.
Please visit The Hall of Linux Idiots:

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