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Re: [News] Bits of OS/2 Could Theoretically Be Used in KDE and GNOME

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> Reviving OS/2's best in the Linux desktop
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Of course, many of you are asking, "SOM, What's the heck is SOM?" I'll
> | tell you. It's a CORBA object-oriented shared library. Those of you who
> | aren't programmers are doubtlessly staring cross-eyed at the screen
> | right about now. For you: SOM is an easy-to-use universal programming
> | library that both KDE and GNOME developers could use to create programs
> | that would work in any Linux desktop environment.
> `----
> http://www.desktoplinux.com/news/NS7822082064.html
> Just a Little SOM Thing for Linux Developers
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | I have a copy of the SOM/DSOM source code somewhere in the piles of CDs
> | here at the bitranch. It was distributed to companies that signed up as
> | OpenDoc developers (I'm tempted to add, "all three of us"). Without
> | digging out the code for a full in-depth examination, I think I can
> | safely say that it was clean enough at the time for IBM's lawyers to let
> | it be shared with OpenDoc partners, which then included Apple and
> | WordPerfect Corp.
> `----
> http://advice.cio.com/esther_schindler/a_little_som_thing

I never work with SOM or CORBA... nor would I be able to "tell you" what it
is and does for a desktop in any great detail. However, I remember back at
the time, that MSFT was shitting bricks over it... and they actually tried
to emulate it... you innovate it... The msft version never amounted to much
(ie. the flash light searching for a lost program), never happened in OS/2.



Jerry McBride (jmcbride@xxxxxxxxxx)

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