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[News] The Guardian: Wikipedia is a Linux Application

  • Subject: [News] The Guardian: Wikipedia is a Linux Application
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 09 Feb 2008 08:34:06 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Review: The Craftsman by Richard Sennet - Guardian Unlimited

,----[ Quote ]
| The best known Linux application is Wikipedia, the encyclopedia to which any 
| user can contribute.  




[Flawed Linux Articles in Silicon.com and BBC]

Apples and bananas

,----[ Quote ]
| This statement is incorrect in almost every sense. To go through it
| point for point:
|     * Linux is a great example of the old adage "you don?t get owt for
|       nowt": I assume Mr Benson is referring to the GNU/Linux distributions  
|       rather than the Linux kernel itself, and in particular to desktop
|       distributions, nonetheless my reply concerns all these...
|     * [GNU/Linux] is not free: Actually it is. Both the GNU/Linux
|       Distributions and the Linux kernel are free in almost all senses
|       of the word...
|     * [Y]ou pay for the support of [GNU/Linux]: I do not know about you, or 
|       Mr Benson, but I do not pay for GNU/Linux support as I support my
|       sites myself.
|     * There are so many flavours [of GNU/Linux] that it dilutes any potent-
|       ial attractiveness: What a curious thing to say. Taking that argument 
|       to its logical conclusion would be like saying a cafè should not sell    
|       ice cream because the attractiveness of that is diluted due to too
|       many flavours available.


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