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[News] Real-time Virtualisation Demonstrated on GNU/Linux-based Internet Tablet

  • Subject: [News] Real-time Virtualisation Demonstrated on GNU/Linux-based Internet Tablet
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 09 Feb 2008 02:18:00 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Virtualization demo'd for QoS, security

,----[ Quote ]
| Real-time virtualization vendor VirtualLogix says its nanokernel can improve 
| quality-of-service in VoIP applications. The vendor plans to demonstrate a 
| Nokia web tablet running Linux and a VoIP softphone "appliance" on the VLX 
| virtualization layer at the GSMA Mobile World Congress in Barcelona next 
| week.    



Real-time virtualization targets Japan

,----[ Quote ]
| Takafumi Nishijima, president of ARM Japan, stated, "VirtualLogix's
| real-time virtualization solution increases the market value of ARM 
| processors. With VirtualLogix, we can keep the real-time performance
| of an RTOS combined with Linux, while simultaneously adding improved
| security and device management capabilities."
| Ryutaro Tanaka, manager of TI's DSP platform business development in
| Japan, added, "With VirtualLogix virtualization software, our
| customers can run the DSP/BIOS kernel and Linux simultaneously."


Single-core 3G phone design runs Linux on virtualized processor

,----[ Quote]
| VirtualLogix will demonstrate a multimedia-enabled Linux-based
| mobile phone reference design powered by a single ARM9 processor,
| at 3GSM next week in Barcelona. The NXP Nexperia 7210 design could
| spawn some of the world's first single-core mobile phones
| running open, "rich" operating systems, such as Linux.


VirtualLogix Launches Mobile eXperimentation Edition for Handsets

,----[ Quote ]
| According to ABI Research, an open, commercial operating system that
| supports third-party applications promotes competition in the software
| space and produces products that add value to the device. As an open
| operating system, Linux is proving to be disruptive to the handheld
| market by enabling feature and smart phones to securely adopt
| third-party applications.


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