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Re: Schestowitz on the Bowl...Brace Yourselves!!! 2.7.2008 PM

William Poaster wrote:
John Locke wrote:
Moshe Goldfarb wrote:

Well, Rafael, you won't be complaining and bleating when
clogwog or whoever it is posts YOUR details on the web
will you? Does you Hypocrisy never end?

FWIW, I think it's bang out of order to do that and
would never consider it. There is COLA and there is real

Sadly for some, COLA *IS* their life.

Its all relative..for some poor soul confined to a rest
home, maybe access to COLA is their high point of the day.

Sadly for the trolls like flatfish, & it's sockpuppets, COLA
*IS* their life.

Very true. It is very sad when their only response is to look up what little dirt they find on an individual, so blinded by their abhorrent trolling, that they must major in the minors to create an issue out of essentially none.

Problem is they do such a poor job of it that the reader immediately sees through that. It must be difficult standing nekkid in a glass house.


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