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[News] [Rival] Service Pack 1 Might Make Windows Vista Even Worse in Ways

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Service Pack 1 Might Make Windows Vista Even Worse in Ways
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 08 Feb 2008 10:30:58 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
SP1 may bring new woe to Vista owners

,----[ Quote ]
| Now it seems that SP1 might also have difficulty in handling some hardware 
| which might have gotten through on the first version. 



Performance Results Mixed with Vista Service Pack 1

,----[ Quote ]
| Files copied faster in our initial tests, but other performance was slightly 
| slower with the SP1 installed. 



Vista SP1 a Performance Dud

,----[ Quote ]
| After extensive testing of both RTM and SP1-patched versions of Windows 
| Vista, it seems clear that the hoped-for performance fixes that Microsoft has 
| been hinting at never materialized. Vista + SP1 is no faster than Vista from 
| the RTM image.   
| Bottom Line: If you've been disappointed with the performance of Windows 
| Vista to date, get used to it. SP1 is simply not the panacea that many 
| predicted. In the end, it's Vista's architecture - not a lack of tuning or 
| bug fixes - that makes it perform so poorly on systems that 
| were "barn-burners" under Windows XP.    


[Days before SP1 Release:] Vista marketing chief to bid Microsoft adieu

,----[ Quote ]
| Michael Sievert, Corporate Vice President for Windows Product Marketing, is 
| moving on, according to multiple sources of mine. 
| It’s hard to make the case that Sievert, who was responsible for the 
| worldwide introduction of Windows Vista, isn’t being pushed for the 
| less-than-enthusiastic public perception of Microsoft’s latest version of 
| Windows. Even though Microsoft has moved 100-million-plus copies of Vista, 
| many consumers and businesses still consider the new release buggy, sluggish 
| and incompatible with existing software and drivers.     


Vista's Upgrade: Not Worth the Wait

,----[ Quote ]
| Although Microsoft has reported solid sales of Vista, a lot of copies went to 
| corporations that tried the program for a few weeks, then downgraded to XP. 


Microsoft Windows Vista SP1 Beta

,----[ Quote ]
| Windows lives and dies by its service packs. I can't recall the last initial 
| release of any Windows product that didn't have at least some problems. 
| [...]
| Still, given that Vista is essentially a rewrite of XP meant to enhance 
|                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| security (and, of course, media features), I'm not surprised to see Microsoft  
| take this route for the service pack. 


Service Pack 1 for Windows Vista not for pirates

,----[ Quote ]
| Although, unlike previous Windows versions, Vista is not available as an 
| activation-free version, a number of more or less effective methods were 
| quickly found to run Vista without activation. However, this is soon to end. 
| According to Microsoft, Service Pack 1 for Windows Vista closes two 
| vulnerabilities which previously enabled operation of Vista without a 
| license.     


Vista SP1 won't sacrifice security for compatibility

,----[ Quote ]
| Vista SP1 will include a significant number of "proactive" security changes, 
| DeVaan said. These do not represent fixes for specific vulnerabilities, 
| instead they represent Microsoft's efforts to head off potential threats.  


Microsoft replaces Vista kernel in SP1

,----[ Quote ]
| Well the answer is yes it has, and presumably the main reason for Microsoft’s 
| silence on the subject is that as they’re keen to promote the improvements 
| and enhancements to Vista, rather than placing emphasis on a kernel upgrade, 
| which some people might see as a risk of newly-introduced instability.   


Vista SP1 Released and Delayed Simultaneously

,----[ Quote ]
| Continuing their apparent efforts to take the steam out of Windows Vista, 
| Microsoft today announced that the long awaited Windows Vista Service Pack 1 
| is being released, but not to Vista users. That’s right, SP1 is now RTM 
| (Released to Manufacturing), but won’t be released via any means to end users 
| or even system administrators for at least another month and a half.    


Holy Crap: Did Bill Gates Just Say Windows Sucks?

,----[ Quote ]
| We asked a simple question: what Microsoft product could have used a little 
| more polish before release? The answer astounded us. We would just like to 
| thank Bill Gates for his honesty and his openness.  


Acer: PC industry 'disappointed' with Vista

,----[ Quote
| Acer president Gianfranco Lanci became the first major PC manufacturer to 
| openly attack Microsoft over the Windows Vista operating system in the 
| Financial Times Deutschland on Monday.  
| Lanci said the operating system was riddled with problems and gave users and 
| businesses no reason to buy a new PC, according to the report. Taiwan-based 
| Acer is the world's fourth-largest PC manufacturer, after HP, Dell and 
| Lenovo. 
| "The whole industry is disappointed with Windows Vista," Lanci said. 


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