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Re: [News] Microsoft's OOXML Forcefeeding Strategy Includes Deprecation

On Thu, 07 Feb 2008 20:49:00 +0100, Hadron wrote:

> Gordon <gbplinux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> Related:
>>> Microsoft Breaks the [ODF] Plugins
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>> | Sun is having trouble because Microsoft is breaking
>>> interoperability | deliberately through hi-jinks with the
>>> Dynamic-Link Libraries ("dll") in  `----
>>> http://fussnotes.typepad.com/plexnex/2007/08/microsoft-break.html
>> Sorry Roy - that link is over six months old, and I have just opened
>> an ODF document in Word 2007 SP1 with no problems at all.
>> However, I /do/ think that the OOXML thing is very dangerous...
> And Roy knew this. He posted to the thread 6 months ago.
> Anyone not thinking he's being paid to spam now?
> Check his post - it reads as if he's just drunk Mark Kent's cocktail
> globe dry:

Of course Roy Schestowitz is being paid to SPAM.
All roads lead to that conclusion and only the drone Linux zealot will not
see this.

> ,----
>| Of course we told them, but the news -- being expected -- tends to add
>| like a drop in the bucket to a complex hurricane of forces, the
>| signature component of which is the impossibility of migrating to
>| OpenOffice.org/ODF without an interop bridge to the MS Office formats.
>| At some point y'all alt-software rebels will take your fingers out of
>| your ears and grok that whatever Microsoft is doing is irrelevant so
>| long as there is no viable alternative that can be implemented.
> `----
> Phew!

Moshe Goldfarb
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