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Re: [News] Free Software Steretypes End With a Survey

On Wed, 6 Feb 2008 08:23:36 +0000, Mark Kent wrote:

> Brock Alexander <brock@xxxxxxx> espoused:
>> "Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message 
>> news:120230900.S4AxnTsi7d@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> Open source Aussies: Not poor, bearded loners
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>> | Responses from 327 participants were included in the details revealed 
>>> from
>>> | the online study, which aimed to dispel the myth that open source 
>>> supporters
>>> | are invariably bearded geeks, male and impoverished, company co-founder 
>>> Jeff
>>> | Waugh said.
>>> |
>>> | "There are certain perceptions of the community that are somewhat
>>> | inaccurate," he commented. The survey was sponsored by Fujitsu, IBM and
>>> | NICTA.
>>> |
>>> | Facial hair growth wasn't captured by the questions, but the survey 
>>> still
>>> | showed a gender imbalance with only seven percent of respondents being
>>> | female. However, notions of poverty seem somewhat misplaced.
>>> `----
>>> http://www.builderau.com.au/news/soa/Open-source-Aussies-Not-poor-bearded-loners/0,339028227,339285610,00.htm
>> And the article also says: "The majority of participants predictably worked 
>> in IT, but only 10 percent were working on open source projects as a 
>> full-time paid task."
>> Translation - Just like COLA, the people surveyed are a bunch of whining 
>> hypocrites who earn their money writing propreitary Windows software during 
>> the day.
>> And quit cross-posting your SPAM CRAP to alt.os.windowsxp because we 
>> couldn't care less about this bullshit of yours.
> Are Teranews aware of your activities here?  Consider this a formal
> warning.  You are breaking the terms of the FAQ and the Charter of this
> group.  Your posts are suited to a windows advocacy group, of which
> there are several.

Pipe down you hall monitor, usenet kook, netcop, Mark Kent.

1. You and your girlfriend Roy Schestowitz violate the COLA "charter" every
single day and BTW putting [Rival] in your posts does not negate that fact.

2. This group does not have an official charter. It has the wet dream
creation by a bunch of whacked out Linux loony hypocrites, like yourself,
Mark Kent.

So why not cool down a bit, do like normal people do and keep your garbage
in COLA where it belongs. 

Moshe Goldfarb
Collector of soaps from around the globe.
Please visit The Hall of Linux Idiots:

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