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[News] Linux 'Invited' to Mac Event; Tensions Rise After Misquotes Remark

  • Subject: [News] Linux 'Invited' to Mac Event; Tensions Rise After Misquotes Remark
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2008 14:36:56 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
One year after Mac hack contest, Linux and Vista may be tested

,----[ Quote ]
| Last year, security researcher Dino Dai Zovi spent a sleepless night hacking 
| his Mac in order to take the prize at the show's first PWN to OWN contest. 
| Dai Zovi found a QuickTime bug that allowed him to run unauthorized software 
| on the Mac once the computer's browser was directed to a specially crafted 
| Web page.     


The slightly tactless remark from Linus (about Mac OS X's filesystem) is
already taken out of context and used against him in the press (grossly
misquoted), saying that he attacked Leopard. The press incites Apple users
against him and they strike back against Linux. Shades of the 'civil war'
strategy (see bottom).

Who cares about operating systems?

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux is an OS, of course, and it’s pretty invisible to the average non-tech. 
| It’s also become the biggest OS story of the last decade on the back of a 
| marketing budget that might last Vista until mid-afternoon on day one. It’s 
| in phones, it’s in set-top boxes, it’s on the new generation of cheap, simple 
| computers that people are starting to buy from supermarkets all over the 
| developed world – and beyond. It’s even in big, serous computers too. In an 
| indirect way, it might even make some people as rich as Microsoft’s 
| shareholders have become.       


It's about Free software, not just Linux, which is a small program in


Q and A with Linus Torvalds

,----[ Quote ]
| Q: What do you think about the regular hype about the release of a new 
| version of Microsoft Windows or Apple OS X? 
| A: An o/s should never have been something that people (in general) really 
| care about: it should be completely invisible and nobody should give a flying 
| f*** about it except the technical people.  



Microsoft: "Gathering intelligence on enemy activities is critical to the
success of the Slog. We need to know who their allies are and what differences
exist between them and their allies (there are always sources of tension
between allies), so that we can find ways to split ‘em apart Reading the trade
press, lurking on newsgroups, attending conferences, and (above all) talking
to ISVs is essential to gathering this intelligence."


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