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[News] Novell/IBM and ASUS Still Bet on Linux

  • Subject: [News] Novell/IBM and ASUS Still Bet on Linux
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2008 16:16:36 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Linux is Part of Asus’s Long Term Plan

,----[ Quote ]
| Asus announced three new Linux products.
| I would even go so far to say that if Asus keeps up its support of Linux, it 
| may be the company that is credited with bringing Linux on the desktop to the 
| masses.  


IBM does OEM deal with Avada on its open source Websphere edition

,----[ Quote ]
| This time the deal is with Avada Software, which will OEM WAS CE Version 2.0 
| with its messaging management software. It’s no blockbuster deal, but shows 
| that WAS CE still has a heartbeat. Novell did an OEM deal with WAS CE some 
| time ago with its SUSE Linux server.   



Big mods for the small Eee PC

,----[ Quote ]
| During the 2007 holiday season, there was another small, white and cheap tech 
| device that became a hard-to-find bestseller: the ultra-portable Eee PC 
| notebook by ASUS. (It also comes in black and three other colors, but the 
| white model appears to be the most popular.) Despite looking like a toy, the 
| Eee PC is a fully capable computer primarily meant for wireless Internet use.  
| It runs Linux and includes Firefox and OpenOffice.    


Asus Eee PC: Why is it SO Hot?

,----[ Quote ]
| Laptop magazine almost  blew its dongle over the Asus, breathlessly 
| proclaiming it, “Pound for pound, the best value-priced notebook on the 
| planet.” (What, not the entire solar system?) CNET took a more tempered 
| approach, yet still deemed it a “near perfect choice for a highly portable 
| second or backup laptop.”    


ASUS preps $500 'iMac killer' Eee PC desktop

,----[ Quote ] 
| The computer builder also says it will build a headless desktop, the E-DT, 
| which will at first use a Celeron but then switch to the Shelton platform. 
| Most details are unavailable, though the price should range between $200 and 
| $300 and is being pushed towards the $200 mark. A third system known as the 
| E-TV will combine a basic Eee PC platform with a 42-inch LCD TV and should 
| cost about $200 more than a comparable TV that ships without such features.     


Asus Says Eee PC is Most Successful Product Ever

,----[ Quote ]
| An interesting piece of news from Asus’s press conference is that the Eee PC 
| is their “most successful product ever,” according to Engadget. This is 
| potentially huge news for Linux on two levels.  


Asustek Eee PC shipments beat expectations

,----[ Quote ]
| Asustek has shipped almost 350,000 units of the Eee PC in the quarter, ahead 
| of the 300,000 estimated, according to Taiwan's DigiTimes. 


2007's most important IT lesson is spelled with an Eee

,----[ Qote ]
| The Eee shows too just how out of date the 'is Linux ready for the desktop?' 
| argument is. Yes it is. Anyone can pick up an Eee with its standard Linux 
| distro - or with a number of freely available alternatives - and just use it. 
| That alone revitalises the 'is this paid-for operating system value for 
| money?' question.    


Asustek ups Eee PC sales f'cast by two-thirds

,----[ Quote ]
| Asustek had said that it hoped to become the world's fifth-largest laptop PC 
| vendor by 2010. 


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