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Re: [News] New GCC is Here, Firefox 3 is Near, PHP 4 Near EOL

* The Ghost In The Machine peremptorily fired off this memo:

> In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Moshe Goldfarb
>>>> GCC 4.2.3 Released
>>> Already on my machines, boss!
>> Well now we know for sure you are on Roy Schestowitz's
>> "paid for spamming" payroll.
>> Thanks for confirming it!

The only thing you've confirmed is that you are an idiot who doesn't
know when he's plonked.

> Too much choice.  We should just stick to Microsoft Visual
> Studio C++ and have done with it; their compiler is the
> most standard one out there.
> (FSVO "compiler", "most", "standard", and "out there".)

I've also got a gcc 3.2 and gcc 4.1 installed.  Apparently you need a
version 3 compiler for QEMU.

Whoever conquers a free town and does not demolish it commits a great error and
may expect to be ruined himself.
    -- Niccolo Machiavelli

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