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Re: [News] Murdock Wants to Buy Yahoo

____/ [H]omer on Sunday 03 February 2008 17:59 : \____

> Verily I say unto thee, that Roy Schestowitz spake thusly:
>> News Corp. Scrambles To Bid For Yahoo
> Gah! In balance, I think that may actually be worse than Microsoft
> buying Yahoo!. At least in Microsoft's case, all they want is more
> revenue (albeit by strengthening their monopoly), but Murdoch is a
> different animal. Yes he's also trying to build a monopoly, but in
> this case it's about more than just money, it's also about him mis
> -using yet another media outlet, to spread the disease of his vile
> right-wing extremist ideologies.  Although it could be argued that
> Microsoft does the same thing, in a less obvious way (using shills
> and lobbyists).

Just days ago, other Murdoch shills were exposed (Freudian slip in the subject
by the way... because I spelled it like Ian's... never made this typo before
if you check the archives... anyhoo):

Times Online denies knowledge of link spam campaign

,----[ Quote ]
| Piotr Wyspianski, a manager at Sitelynx, was revealed on the Waxy.org blog to 
| have waged a one-man campaign to game web aggregation communities such as 
| Digg, Metafilter and StumbleUpon with over a thousand links to Times Online 
| stories. Before working for Sitelynx, he had form for a similar astroturfing 
| effort for his own online jewellery store.    
| Predictably, the Waxy.org story has hit the front page of Digg and some 
| Diggers have piled in to condemn Times Online, blaming a conspiracy by the 
| original Digger himself. "I haven't respected The Times since Murdoch bought 
| it, since that effectively means I can no longer trust its content. Fuck you 
| old man!" wrote one.    


> It's bad enough that the Bancrofts failed to shield Dow Jones from
> Murdoch's menacing advances, but now this...
> At this rate, there won't be any impartial professional journalism
> left. The voice of democracy and reason will be restricted to just
> amateur blogs (dissidents), whilst the official "news" degenerates
> even further into the role of a propaganda machine, spreading vile
> fascist indoctrination. With the ultimate demise of Net Neutrality
> even those dissident voices could be suppressed and censored.
> I find it curious that so much resources and effort is invested in
> trying to cure diseases like cancer and AIDS, but few seem to care
> about the worst and most destructive disease of all - fascism. But
> then again that may be because dead men don't pay taxes ... or buy
> goods and services from companies like Microsoft and News Corp, so
> saving lives amounts to little more than an "investment",  whereas
> saving society from the disease of fascism just isn't "profitable"
> enough for those few who actually have the /power/ to do something
> about it. Apathy, ignorance and impotence takes care of the rest.

Well, the least one can do is bring these issues to light. As RMS says (not a
quote), you can make more difference if you get more people to join your
cause. The capacity you have for making change as a single mind that is aware
of the problem is very limited.

                ~~ Best of wishes

"The government is not trying to destroy Microsoft, it’s simply seeking to
compel Microsoft to obey the law. It’s quite revealing that Mr. Gates equates
the two."
                --Government official

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