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Re: [News] [Rival] Claimed 'Profits' Do Not Tell Microsoft's True Story

____/ Sinister Midget on Sunday 03 February 2008 15:45 : \____

> On 2008-02-03, Jerry McBride <jmcbride@xxxxxxxxxx> claimed:
>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> Uh oh!
>>> Was Vista a disaster for Microsoft?
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>> | Recently Microsoft posted their profits for 2007. Despite Vista being
>>> | one of the worst disasters to hit the computer systems markets since
>>> | Windows ME, Microsoft seemed to come out way ahead... or did they?
>>> | 
>>> | Profits don't always tell the full story about how a company performs,
>>> | and I'm not talking about Enron. The case in point is to be found in
>>> | both K-mart and Disney Corporation. If your primary source of news is
>>> | ABC, CNN, Reuters, Associated Press, NBC, CBS, or such, you may not have
>>> | been aware that both K-mart and Disney corporation were under boycott
>>> | from conservative groups led by the likes of Focus on the Family for
>>> | years. In fact, if you listed to the liberal media, you probably thought
>>> | that K-Mart's retail problems in past years were due to anything else
>>> | other than a boycott.
>>> | 
>>> | [...]
>> I did some reading about this and I'm quite surprised how far bug business
>> will go to spite themselves in the name of political correctness. If I was
>> an investor in those businesses I would be worried about where my money was
>> being spent and what R.O.I. I was getting in the exchange.
> They're getting a huge ROI. Yahoo gets gobbled up, everything turns to
> C.R.A.P. in a few years, stock price tanks, MS swallows something else
> whole (using almost all of the money that should have gone to
> stockholders), everything shoots down the dumper, the stock price falls
> below the last low, MS spends shareholders' dividends on an acquisition
> that looks good for 6 to 18 months before dropping into oblivion, MS
> wastes dividend funds on an acquisition, etc.
> Shareholders are responsible for their own lubrication. They can take
> it dry or slick, but they're gonna keep taking it until they finally
> wise up or the pyramid collapses.
Microsoft has been wooing Yahoo since 2006. It /has/ to. Google does right what
Microsoft cannot, despite the fact that it has invested (and lost) many
billions in this division. The staff exodus says it all louder:

Danny Thorpe quits the Windows Live development team

,----[ Quote ]
| Danny Thorpe, one of the higher-profile hires Microsoft made to its Windows 
| Live team, has decided to leave for greener pastures. 


Yet another Microsoft search exec calls it quits

,----[ Quote ]
| In March, Blake Irving, the Corporate VP in charge of the Windows
| Live platform, announced his plans to leave Microsoft, effective
| this summer. Payne announced his resignation from Microsoft shortly
| after Irving made his announcement.


at least no chairs were thrown…

,----[ Quote ]
| A friend of mine was walked out of Microsoft today.
| I’m not talking about Stuart Scott, the now former Microsoft CIO who was 
| canned for “violating company policies.” No, another friend decided to leave 
| the MSN Live Search team and join Google Kirkland.   


Another Microsoft Search reorg: Shum now leads engineering

,----[ Quote ]
| That same month, Windows Live Platform VP Blake Irving resigned, as did Chris 
| Payne. the Corporate Vice President in charge of Windows Live Search. 


Former Microsoft Search Chief Bill Bliss On Early Search Missteps

,----[ Quote ]
| Bill's biggest regret? Not bypassing middle management that wasn't
| listening to him scream about the coming threat of Google and going
| right up to Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer. 


Microsoft Search Leader To Leave Company

,----[ Quote ]
| The Microsoft Corp. vice president who led the company's push into
| Internet search is leaving the software giant as the effort he
| helped launch loses ground against lead competitor Google Inc.


Microsoft Windows Live VP to resign

,----[ Quote ]
| Blake Irving, a Corporate Vice President in Microsoft's Windows
| Live Platform group, is resigning his post, according to sources
| close to the company.


Will Microsoft Survive the Next 10 Years?

,----[ Quote ]
| I am not really an expert in this but when I read all the negative
| headlines and articles I ask myself if Microsoft really will survive
| the next 10 years.
| [...]
| I am pretty sure that the Open Source Community, the new Ubuntu,
| Google and of course Apple are those companies that are ready for
| our century and they will get more and more people that know what
| they really want.


Meanwhile, Microsoft has begun using legal proxies like Viacom to attack
Google. It also has FUD proxies like Burton Group to attack Google Apps.

Viacom's $1 Billion Lawsuit Of YouTube: Google Replaces Attorneys On The Case

,----[ Quote ]
| The lawsuit was filed in march last year, and in May, Google hired Phil Beck, 
| a partner with Bartlit Beck Herman Palenchar & Scott LLP, to lead its 
| defense. Beck has represented George W. Bush in Florida during the 2000 
| presidential election, and Microsoft (NasdaqGS: MSFT - News) during its 
| anti-trust trial.    


Microsoft Befriends Google's Foes

,----[ Quote ]
| After a government- and monopoly-inspired period in which Microsoft had
| to pretend to be a gentle force for global good, the company is being
| forced to return to its ruthless roots. Ironically, it is doing this
| in part by decrying the unfair practices of a competitor and
| shamelessly sucking up to the Establishment.


| While in Britain last week, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer took a
| swipe at just about everything - from one of the world's largest
| Linux vendors to a social networking company he may end up buying.
| He insisted that Red Hat violates MS patents. He compared Facebook
| to GeoCities. He even accused Google of reading your email.


Microsoft Taps PR Firm To Thwart Google

,----[ Quote ]
| Google's proposed purchase of DoubleClick earned it an invitation to a Senate 
| subcommittee hearing this week. Microsoft's work with PR firm 
| Burson-Marsteller could have helped print that invite.  


Microsoft in row over lobby tactics

,----[ Quote ]
| The Observer has seen an email sent by a director at leading lobby firm 
| Burson-Marsteller to a number of top UK businesses. The email urges board 
| members to raise the issue of Google's dominance of search engines with 
| politicians, regulators and the media.   


Is anyone surprised Microsoft is lobbying to thwart Google?


Google Apps Catches Flak

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft is launching an anti-Google propaganda campaign.


Microsoft Finds Legal Defender in Justice Dept.

,----[ Quote ]
| Nearly a decade after the government began its landmark effort to break 
| up Microsoft, the Bush administration has sharply changed course by
| repeatedly defending the company both in the United States and abroad 
| against accusations of anticompetitive conduct, including the recent
| rejection of a complaint by Google.
| [...]
| In the most striking recent example of the policy shift, the top 
| antitrust official at the Justice Department last month urged state
| prosecutors to reject a confidential antitrust complaint filed by 
| Google that is tied to a consent decree that monitors Microsoft's 
| behavior. Google has accused Microsoft of designing its latest 
| operating system, Vista, to discourage the use of Google's desktop 
| search program, lawyers involved in the case said. 


                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "Disk quota exceeded; sig discontinued"
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