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[News] GNU Mailman Developer Received Award for Free Software

  • Subject: [News] GNU Mailman Developer Received Award for Free Software
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 03 Feb 2008 02:08:40 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Second Annual Winner of $10,000 Pizzigati Prize Announced by Tides Foundation

,----[ Quote ]
| Barry Warsaw is being recognized for his work as the lead developer of GNU 
| Mailman, the open source application that hundreds of nonprofits around the 
| world are now using to manage electronic mail discussions and e-newsletter 
| lists.   


*Very* widely-deployed software. Is anyone paying for mailing lists software?
Or is it a commodity?

Setting software free: Eben Moglen and digital age morality

,----[ Quote ]
| Moglen goes on to say: “every piece of useful or beautiful information can be 
| distributed to everybody at the same cost that it can be distributed to 
| anybody. For the first time in human history, we face an economy in which the 
| most important goods have zero marginal cost” (Moglen 2003). Quite true. But 
| miraculous as a zero marginal cost may be, Moglen neglects to tackle the 
| issue of the cost of the first copy. This was true long before the Internet.     



Open source entering the mobile computing space

,----[ Quote ]
| To give developers incentives, Funambol pays developers $500 to $3,000 to 
| work on projects, such as a Google Android client for Funambol or a Google 
| Gmail connector. The company also pays $25 to persons to test their phone to 
| see if Funambol works on it.   


[Free] Software Town

,----[ Quote ]
| "Software prices will eventually fall to zero. The open-source software
| movement has already started that commoditization." That pronouncement
| came last week from MIT professor Michael A. Cusumano at a one-day
| Silicon Valley conference called "The New Software Industry."


Sun: Pay open-source developers

,----[ Quote ]
| Sun is proposing that open-source developers be paid for
| the revenue-generating technology that they have made
| available for free.


Debian Linux project group to pay developers

,----[ Quote ]
| A group of senior developers from the Debian GNU/Linux project have decided 
| to raise funds to pay volunteers who work on the project in order that 
| releases can be made more frequently.


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