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Re: Poison Pill: How the Yahoo takeover killed Microsoft

Moshe Goldfarb <brick.n.straw@xxxxxxxxx> did eloquently scribble:
> Sigh :(
> Only in COLA do you read such lunacy as this.
> Between this kind of tripe and the endless unsubstantiated garbage Roy
> Schestowitz spams here each day, this group as a discussion group, is shot
> to hell.
Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
It wasn't nice speaking to you, bye bye.
|                          |What to do if you find yourself stuck in a crack|
|  spike1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx    |in the ground beneath a giant boulder, which you|
|                          |can't move, with no hope of rescue.             |
|Andrew Halliwell BSc(hons)|Consider how lucky you are that life has been   |
|           in             |good to you so far...                           |
|    Computer Science      |   -The BOOK, Hitch-hiker's guide to the galaxy.|

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