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[News] Another Glimpse at Palm's Secret Linux-based in-development Palm OS II

  • Subject: [News] Another Glimpse at Palm's Secret Linux-based in-development Palm OS II
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 01 Feb 2008 13:38:51 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Yes, Virginia, There is a New Palm OS

,----[ Quote ]
| Now, the unnamed new OS that wags have been calling "Nova" or "Palm OS II" 
| isn't the Linux-based OS that Palm was going to use last year. That product, 
| the Access Linux Platform, didn't meet Palm's standards, Maes said.  
| "There were things in that platform that were focused on a different set of 
| customers than what we were looking to do, and there were things in that 
| platform that do not support things we would like to do going forward," Maes 
| said.    



Palm Codenames Linux-Based Palm OS II Nova

,----[ Quote ]
| Now comes word from Palm Infocenter that the PDA pioneer not only has yet 
| another, third, smartphone in the works, but that that device is being used 
| to test its long-delayed Linux-based follow up to the Palm OS, which now has 
| an internal codename of its own.   


Run the Palm OS on your Nokia Internet Tablet

,----[ Quote ]
| The Garnet VM Beta for Nokia Nseries was created by ACCESS, who is the 
| company that bought PalmSource. You can now run virtually all your favorite 
| Palm OS applications on the Nokia Internet Tablets and I can’t wait to try 
| out a few of my favorite apps.   


30,000 Palm apps coming to Nokia webpads


Palm Says Foleo 2 Still on Track

,----[ Quote ]
| Palm FoleoAccording to the Wireless Week industry trade journal, a new 
| version of the cancelled Foleo Mobile Companion running on Palm's 
| next-generation Linux OS is still very much in Palm’s future product plans...  


Palm shakes hands with Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Back to the Palm and Linux. Now that I have the Palm working in Debian and 
| Ubuntu/Xubuntu, I'm pretty happy, and I'll probably be using my 
| Debian-equipped 233 MHz Compaq laptop a bit less. There's something about 
| hitting a button on the Palm and being able to write within a half-second 
| that totally works for me.    


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