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Re: [Troll] Evangelism is War

Linonut wrote:


Prophets, arm yourselves!

Page 10: "We're Just Here to Help Developers" (circle and slash overlaid)

Page 11:  "We Are Here to Help MICROSOFT."

Page 15:

"We're Here to Help *Microsoft*!

o *Microsoft* pays our wages
o *Microsoft* provides our stock options
o *Microsoft* pays our expenses
o We're Here to Help *Microsoft*
   * By helping those developers...
   * ...That can best help *Microsoft*...
   * ...Achieve *Microsoft*'s objectives.
o Did anyone miss the point, here?"



After more than a decade with Windows, I know what to expect from it -- I expect that it will often break, crash, or otherwise not work. This is not a myth; show me someone who says that they have never had a major Windows malfunction and I'll show you someone who has never upgraded their hardware or software. I expect Windows to malfunction, so when it does, it's no surprise -- just more of the same crap from the same crappy operating system.

GNU/Linux, on the other hand, I expect to work unless I use experimental software; if something goes wrong, more often than not, it was due to my own mistakes. In general, I think many people who are moving away from Windows are going to GNU/Linux with the expectation that it is a software utopia where computer problems don't exist. That environment will never happen on any architecture or platform, but GNU/Linux often comes close as long as you know your way around it. I see people on forums and mailing lists talk about how "Linux is not ready for the desktop" because they're embarrassed that they couldn't figure out something horrifyingly simple, like how to adjust the sound volume or add Macromedia Flash support to their Web browser -- things that could be solved by reading the available documentation or searching Google. These same challenges exist on Windows too, but you expect Windows to malfunction, so it's acceptable. "Oh that kooky Windows! It's always messing up somehow!"

Heh .... it doesn't get any better than this!

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