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[News] *NIX Gains Commodity Status in Its Domain

  • Subject: [News] *NIX Gains Commodity Status in Its Domain
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2008 11:17:36 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Enterprise Unix Roundup: Have Unix Your Way  

,----[ Quote ]
| Love it or hate it, McDonald's revolutionized the restaurant industry by 
| creating a standardized, assembly line-created product that does not vary 
| from location to location. The company has, to put it succinctly, 
| commoditized the hamburger.   
| Which got me thinking: How long until someone finally figures out a way to 
| really commoditize the server? And what will such a world look like?  


Windows is only seen as a commodity in one area: the 'desktop'.


Linux is de facto OS for TV set-top boxes

,----[ Quote ]
| "The major chipset manufacturers are introducing new Linux platforms
| almost monthly," said Ken Helps, managing director of Ocean Blue Software.
| The attraction is that the Linux operating system will support
| advanced functions without requiring a license fee.


Linux in more than 90% of top supercomputers

,----[ Quote ]
| Other operating systems, such as AIX (4.8%), Solaris (0.4%) and Mac OS X 
| (0.4%) make the list, but Linux is alone at the top, where it is used in 459 
| systems or 91.8% of the top supercomputer systems.  


Dell leads the Linux workstation market

,----[ Quote ]
| So about 15% of the workstation market is comprised of Linux machines -- far 
| more than the barely traceable number of Linux desktop computers. Oddly, all 
| workstation manufacturers seem to have grown in chorus. "No one workstation 
| vendor seems to have benefited dramatically more or less with the growth of 
| Linux, though (anecdotally) white boxes would presumably have a much higher 
| penetration of Linux.     


The real measure of Linux adoption.

,----[ Quote ]
| # Read the Jobs section.
| # Count how many advertisements require Linux experience.
| [...]
| This is real life. Real world figures. These are not manipulated statistics 
| that are bent to show this or that. These are actual businesses that are 
| using Linux in one form or another. This is how you know how much Linux has 
| been accepted in your area of residence.   


Linux Job Market Trends: Galloping Forward

,----[ Quote ]
| If you’re a Linux specialist looking for the best paying area of the country, 
| your best bet is – no surprise – Silicon Valley, where Linux pros make 
| $96,578 (but a cup of coffee costs $11.25). Other top-paying Linux areas are 
| Washington, D.C. ($86,882), Los Angeles ($86,618), and New York ($86,305).   


2007: Where the Tech Jobs Are

,----[ Quote ]
| ...open source and Linux skills are very hot. "Linux is one of the fastest 
| growing, if not required, then recommended skills that most of the 
| sysadmins and operations people have," Melland says. "If you're a systems 
| administrator and you don?t have Linux experience, you might want to seek 
| that out."
| [...]
| All this migration to Linux and open source means that job openings are 
| zooming. Based on Dice statistics, Linux as a recommended skill is up 51% 
| this year, and roughly 150% in the last two years.


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