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Re: News Corp Interested in Yahoo???

On Thu, 14 Feb 2008 18:14:01 +0100, Hadron wrote:

> Moshe Goldfarb <brick.n.straw@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
>> http://www.reuters.com/article/businessNews/idUSN1337390920080213?feedType=RSS&feedName=businessNews&rpc=23&sp=true
>> So is News Corp interested in Yahoo?
>> Complete rumor, but it's all over the cable news networks today.
>> Haha!!
>> Do you Linux nuts know who News Corp is?
>> Well, in a linux-Nutshell, they are the parent company of Fox News!
>> You know, the "fair and balanced" news network!!
>> Many call it 'faux news', for reasons that are obvious.
>> And you thought Microsoft buying Yahoo was a bad thing. Should this come to
>> pass, you'll wish every day that Microsoft bought Yahoo.
>> Look at it this way. If Schestowitz had his own search engine, everything
>> you searched on would bring up his name, website or Linux.
> He does!
> http://www.iuron.com
> I wonder if MS could put in a bid for that instead?
> Check out the User Interface:
> http://iuron.com/search/?q=why+is+roy+such+a+twit%3F

Yea. It's boring as all hell.
Just like Schestowitz.

>> Oops!!  That's kind of the way it is now, with Google.
>> Try it.
>> Schestowiz + * brings up some mighty interesting material.
>> What I can't figure out is how they got the donkey in his dorm room ?
>> Haha!
> Donkey? Do tell...


Moshe Goldfarb
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