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Re: FBI sought approval to use spyware against terror suspects

____/ [H]omer on Sunday 10 February 2008 15:08 : \____

> Verily I say unto thee, that Mike Easter spake thusly:
>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> people who care about puppies.
>> I would not characterize the (animal) activists who are terrorists as
>> 'people who care about puppies'.
> Well that depends on whether or not one characterises all animal-rights
> activists as terrorists, or differentiates between those who use bombs,
> and those who take less drastic action to protect animals' welfare. The
> article in question does not clarify which the suspects are supposed to
> be, and it's unclear whether or not the authorities make much effort to
> make that distinction either. As someone who might also tend to support
> action against animal cruelty, I don't relish the prospect of having my
> computer seized, and demands issued for passwords based on the bullshit
> hypothesis that I "might be a terrorist", for no better reason than the
> fact that I sympathise with the cause. That's not justice, it's another
> form of terrorism called totalitarianism.

I didn't know about the nature of the group until Mike spoke out, but as that
last message suggests, there tends to be this exaggeration sometimes. It's
used as means of propaganda that justifies a certain course of action. Just
ask yourself why people with Arabic roots are treated with prejudice at the
airports and planes and why policemen are more likely to pull over a black
guy. To give a more relevant example, let me think for a sec.... okay, I think
you could consider the daemonisation of so-called 'malicious hackers' who
changed wallpapers on desktops of Pentagon PCs. Once you spit on someone's
reputation, it's easier to take more severe action, including extradiction.

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "The only source is Open Source"
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