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Re: [News] Apple's Anti-Choice Could Get Federal Involvement

Sinister Midget wrote:

> On 2008-02-27, alt <spamtrap@xxxxxxxxxxxx> claimed:
>> On Wed, 27 Feb 2008 18:46:38 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> Democratic bill could force Apple, AT&T to unlock iPhone
>> I still say that the best thing one could do is to completely shun the
>> iPhone. If Apple doesn't want to sell an unlocked iPhone, then I don't
>> want to buy an iPhone.
> That /is/ the best way. I wouldn't waste my money, even if it didn't
> have strike two against it for being tied to ATT.
> But there are an awful lot of Jobs-worshipers that would gladly chop
> off both legs just to send the man some more cash. They won't ever be
> persuaded.

I just love the TV advert where the iPhone allows you to read the text of
web sites on the very small screen. As if anyone over the age of 12 has the
eyes to read anything that small.

In the UK it's tied to O2, formerly BT and is an horrendous amount of money
every month. I haven't seen one yet, but then I live in the real world!

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