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[News] Steve Lake Says Microsoft is Terrified Because of FOSS, Web

  • Subject: [News] Steve Lake Says Microsoft is Terrified Because of FOSS, Web
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2008 16:29:11 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
The Shadow Tales of Microsoft  

,----[ Quote ]
| If you don't believe me, take a look at what's happening out there. Linux is 
| cutting into Microsoft's desktop dominance. It's also wiping away any hope of 
| it gaining server dominance. Firefox is quickly replacing its browser as the 
| preferred method for surfing the internet. Outlook is being slowly knocked 
| off its pedestal by open source alternatives, and other competitors are 
| attacking them from all sides in their other fields as well. Open Source is 
| on a roll and Microsoft is getting run over on all sides, and while it may 
| not seem like they're loosing the war, they are. Just because Open Source 
| isn't in the mainstream news doesn't mean it's not winning. And if this isn't 
| causing Microsoft and Steve Balmer to reach the point of being nearly panic 
| stricken, then I'm a monkey's uncle. I honestly believe right now that 
| they're terrified. Hence the battle for Yahoo is a battle for their very 
| existence.            


So will Microsoft now go into debt?


Microsoft's Last Big Beat: Internet Domination or Death

,----[ Quote ]
| What can $44.6B USD mean? Well, for Microsoft (MSFT) it may mean the cost of 
| survival. 


Microsoft says to borrow money for Yahoo deal

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft Corp said on Monday it may borrow money for the first time in its 
| history to fund a portion of its $44.6 billion unsolicited offer for Yahoo 
| Inc.  


Microsoft's DreamSpark – What a Giveaway

,----[ Quote ]
| The rest of the $44.6bn (£22.3bn) deal would be financed with an undisclosed 
| amount of credit. 
| What that means is that it must squeeze as much money as it can from its 
| operations to fund that debt and still pay dividends to shareholders, who 
| will be looking for some payback from the Yahoo takeover. Giving away 
| software is the last thing it would want to do in these circumstances, and 
| the DreamSpark announcement shows just how worried it is about the future.    



Will Microsoft Survive the Next 10 Years?

,----[ Quote ]
| I am not really an expert in this but when I read all the negative
| headlines and articles I ask myself if Microsoft really will survive
| the next 10 years.
| [...]
| I am pretty sure that the Open Source Community, the new Ubuntu,
| Google and of course Apple are those companies that are ready for
| our century and they will get more and more people that know what
| they really want.


P. Graham: Microsoft is Dead

,----[ Quote ]
| A few days ago I suddenly realized Microsoft was dead. I was talking
| to a young startup founder about how Google was different from Yahoo.
| I said that Yahoo had been warped from the start by their fear of
| Microsoft. That was why they'd positioned themselves as a "media
| company" instead of a technology company. Then I looked at his face
| and realized he didn't understand. It was as if I'd told him how much
| girls liked Barry Manilow in the mid 80s. Barry who?
| Microsoft? He didn't say anything, but I could tell he didn't quite
| believe anyone would be frightened of them.


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