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[News] PS3 GNU/Linux Without the Installation!

  • Subject: [News] PS3 GNU/Linux Without the Installation!
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 02:36:34 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
PS3 Megabox Homebrew Project Is Linux For Commitment-Phobes

,----[ Quote ]
| A modification of open source software Freevo, Megabox brings VOIP, P2P, 
| Firefox, 3D Linux gaming, TV recording (not sure how on this one), and 
| emulation—as well as plenty of other features. Essentially, it's Linux 
| without the install, reskinned with a neat media center interface. The price 
| is right (free) so we'll give this a try and tell you what we think.    


Access to the full capacity of the Cell seems near too (links at the very

Is it games or Blu-Ray driving the PS3 resurgence?

,----[ Quote ]
| Having over 9 million PS3’s sitting in the world’s living rooms gives Blu-Ray 
| obvious penetration numbers to throw on the desk of Studio cigar chomping 
| suits.  It is easy to make a convincing argument that this, along with 
| arguable movie sales themselves may have been the catalyst for Warner to jump 
| ship to the Blu-Ray camp.    


Last week:

PS3 production cost halved

,----[ Quote ]
| While the Playstation 3 cost Sony somewhere around $800 a console to build 
| when it was launched in November 2006, Sony has told Business Week that the 
| PS3 now costs about $400 to produce - which is similar to the RRP of the new 
| 40GB SKU.   


StreamMyGame launches Linux player ; Play PC games on your PS3

,----[ Quote ]
| StreamMyGame.com announced today the release of its free Linux Player, an 
| application that enables you to play any PC game via a PlayStation 3 running 
| Linux.  



PS3 tops Wii in Japan for first time

,----[ Quote ]
| Sony Corp's (6758.T) PlayStation 3 outsold Nintendo Co Ltd's (7974.OS) Wii 
| game console in Japan in November for the first time, raising the prospect 
| that Sony might regain its dominance in the global videogame market.  


PS3 overtakes Wii in Japan

,----[ Quote ]
| Some 55,924 PS3s were purchased in the week ending 11 November, compared to 
| 34,456 Wiis and just 5817 Xbox 360s. Clearly, the Halo 3 effect and 
| Microsoft's price cut have done their work.  


Price cut boosts PlayStation 3 sales

,----[ Quote ]
| U.S. sales of the PlayStation 3 more than doubled in the weeks after the 
| company slashed the video game console's price $100 and launched a low-end 
| model, Sony Corp. CEO Howard Stringer told The Associated Press Wednesday.  


PS3 + Linux + Firefox = Office 2.0 computing

,----[ Quote ]
| Sony and a technology site are using a conference to show off a confluence of 
| next-generation, monopoly-bypassing technology: a Sony Playstation 3 
| videogame console running Linux and Firefox as a foundation for 
| Web-based "Office 2.0" applications.   
| IT|Redux, a site run by blogger and tech adviser Ismael Ghalimi, is showing 
| off the system at the Office 2.0 Conference in San Francisco. IT|Redux is the 
| show organizer.   


PS3 available pre-installed with Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| TerraSoft is now taking direct pre-orders with no delivery
| time guarantees for a Sony PS3 pre-installed with Linux,
| priced at $650.


Astrophysicist Replaces Supercomputer with Eight PlayStation 3s

,----[ Quote ]
| The interest in the PS3 really was for two main reasons," explains Khanna, an 
| assistant professor at the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth who 
| specializes in computational astrophysics. "One of those is that Sony did 
| this remarkable thing of making the PS3 an open platform, so you can in fact 
| run Linux on it and it doesn't control what you do."    


Linux petitioners want Sony to open up PS3's graphical innards 

,----[ Quote ]
| Access is blocked by the Hypervisor chip so there is no chance of
| getting around it without Sony's approval. And, naturally, Sony
| doesn't want geeks producing 3D games under Linux and undermining
| its investment. It flogs the console in order to make mountains of
| wonga on the highly-priced games folk play on it.
| [...]
| So now there's a a petition online asking Sony to open up the RSX.
| It's here.


Linux 3D graphics access on PS3 found  

,----[ Quote ]
| A method has been found to reach Linux 3D Graphics on the PS3. A number of 
| hackers have clubbed together to release a draft kernel module for this along 
| with a relevant Xorg driver.  


The hunt for HV's FIFO/Push buffer...

,----[ Quote ]
| With your separate module for GPU stuff (3D, Xorg, etc...) will we be able to 
| use the kernel sources from Geoff's tree and simply get your kernel modules 
| loaded in place of the fb device created by ps3fb.c and ps3fb.h ?  
| Keeping in sync with Geoff's tree is something that would be beneficial for 
| those also doing CELL development as it is the tree that gets a lot of work 
| from IBM and SCE guys that is CELL related.   
| [...]
| Glaurung, nice work. Busy error made FIFO hack for us :). I was sure that 
| fifo setup is broken for the second context. 
| Panajev2001a, I think that it is possibly to make totally independent kernel 
| module. You will be able to install it without kernel recompilation. 


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