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Re: Linux is great, but is it cool?

* Linonut peremptorily fired off this memo:

> * DFS peremptorily fired off this memo:
>> Linonut wrote:
>>>   http://www.itjungle.com/two/two011608-story02.html
>>>   According to IFI's analysis, Microsoft was awarded 1,637 patents
>>>   last year, nearly a 12 percent increase in the number of patents it
>>>   received in 2006, when it was number 12 on the list.
>>>   Microsoft's increase in patents bucked the trend in patents last
>>>   year, which saw nearly a 10 percent decline in the number of patents
>>>   issued by the USPTO.
>>> Bill Gates -- still at war against IBM, his former mentor.
>> Where's the war, Linonoid?
> MS-DOS versus PC-DOS
> Windows versus OS/2
> Office versus Lotus
> And coming soon to a theater near you... patents.

Here's another I just found:


   Microsoft to IBM: Tolerate PSI Mainframes or Quit Europe

   If you think Microsoft has an aversion to Article 82 of the European
   Treaty, the anti-monopoly law that forced it to open some Windows
   server APIs and also to live with others' media players on desktops,
   think again. Microsoft is backing Platform Solutions (PSI) in an
   Article 82 action that could loosen IBM's grip on the mainframe. If
   PSI is given the keys to every glass house in Europe, Microsoft will
   be one of its principal guests.

Those closed-source hypocrites <grin>.

Debug is human, de-fix divine.

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