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Re: Why Vista is the Beginning of the End of Windows (Was: Vista is in trouble)

* Paul Hovnanian P.E. fired off this tart reply:

> Linonut wrote:
>>    To be fair, some participants on this monster, 478-post thread on
>>    Microsoft's TechNet site have reported success in eradicating the
>>    Vista malady. Some report SP1 does speed things up. Others have seen
>>    improvements after running through a series of steps that includes
>>    disabling Windows search service, tweaking Vista's user account
>>    control settings and setting network interface cards at half duplex
>>    or auto negotiate.
> Did they try facing Mecca?

Maybe it is time to update Godwin's law for Islamic references <sick grin>

The increasing percentage of Vista isn't growth -- it's molting.

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