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Re: Bruce Perens Slams Microsoft for Attempts to Hijack OLPC

____/ [H]omer on Friday 11 January 2008 09:23 : \____

> Verily I say unto thee, that Ramon F Herrera spake thusly:
>> Sometimes "the right thing", specially in countries like Nigeria or
>> Venezuela includes overthrowing the corrupt and illegitimate regime.
> Unfortunately that often results in it merely being replaced by another
> equally corrupt and illegitimate regime. The only way out of this catch
> 22 is to change the *people*, and to do that one must educate them. Yet
> another catch 22, since the question of how they are educated, and with
> *which* PC, is the very cause of this particular thread of corruption.
> If it goes Wintel's way, then expect the current 419 epidemic to become
> a holocaust (the MS "greed" mentality + Windows vulnerabilities = moral
> anarchy). Children are especially impressionable; they need the *right*
> guidance. What kind of guidance are they going to get from the likes of
> companies that sabotage charities for profit? What new skills will they
> learn on Microsoft's Swiss Cheese software? What kind of behaviour will
> they develop on a platform that encourages piracy through prohibitively
> expensive software? I shudder to think. The Microsoft poison in Western
> education is bad enough, but at least *here* we have easy access to the
> resources that enable people to make an informed choice, but In the 3rd
> world they are a captive audience to whomsoever controls the system.
> If a drugs dealer walks into a school, does one attack the children ...
> or the dealer? IMHO even the adults in Nigeria are like children, in as
> much as they live in a world that's still quite sheltered from the West
> and its cynicism. Despite all the crime in Nigeria, they are a somewhat
> naive people, ripe for exploitation by monsters like the Wintel clique.
> The only way to deal with this corruption is to deal with Microsoft and
> Intel ... the corrupters. How exactly, I have no idea, since apparently
> even exposing their corruption has no effect on the situation. They are
> above the law. All one can do is continue exposing their evil, and hope
> that somebody out there cares enough, and has the means, to stop them.
Yes, I very strongly agree with that last paragraph of yours. Time and time
again I find crime (yes, crime is the proper word) and nothing is done about
it by anybody. It's like you're living in a world where there is no police.
You point at the criminal for the bobby to see, but he only sighs and lets
crime go on in daylight.

It's frustrating in times, but I know for a fact that diplomats are taking a
close look at sites like Groklaw and prepare their cases. What we do here
*does* make a difference, but we often don't see it (like blog items that are
read but contain no feedback/comments). Of course, to suppress exposure of
Microsoft crimes, the typical troll (or the Bruce Byfield du jour)  will try
to convince you that it's all in vain. It's a tactic of diversion.

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "I blame God for making me an atheist"
http://Schestowitz.com  |  Open Prospects   |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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