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[News] Many Open Source Conferences Ahead; Embedded Linux Conference Videos Are Out

  • Subject: [News] Many Open Source Conferences Ahead; Embedded Linux Conference Videos Are Out
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2008 13:16:09 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Upcoming Open Source Conferences

,----[ Quote ]
| Here are a few upcoming open source conferences worth paying attention to:
| - SugarCRM Developers Conference, Feb 6-8, San Jose, CA
| - PHP Quebec, March 12-14, Montreal, Canada
| - EclipseCon, March 17-20, Santa Clara, CA
| - OSBC, March 25-26, San Francisco, CA
| - ApacheCon Europe, April 7-11, Amsterdam, NL
| - MySQL Conference & Expo, April 14-17, Santa Clara, CA


Embedded Linux Conference Europe 2007 videos

,----[ Quote ]
| These videos show presentations about topics like boot time, real-time
| preemption patches, graphical libraries and filesystems for flash
| storage. You will see well known community contributors like Thomas
| Gleixner (real-time kernel), Jörn Engel (LogFS), Wookey (Debian, Yaffs)
| and a giant penguin!


linux.conf.au set to kick off in Melbourne

,----[ Quote ]
| Melbournites beware, Linus Torvalds and his colony of penguins are arriving 
| in force for the annual Free and Open Source Software  
| conference,linux.conf.au. 



Ubuntu Live - Call for Papers

,----[ Quote ]
| O’Reilly, the organisers of Ubuntu Live, have just issued the call for papers 
| for Ubuntu Live 2008. The theme of the event is “Taking it Further”, which I 
| think is perfect for Ubuntu this year!  


linux.conf.au: What is Novell doing here?

,----[ Quote
| I also raised the issue of Novell employees like Miguel de Icaza and Nat 
| Friedman who appear to be pushing further and further to duplicate 
| technologies which Microsoft has developed and offering totally unconvincing 
| explanations as to why they are doing so.   
| [...]
| These arguments notwithstanding, it is a fact that overlooking what Novell 
| has done tends to dilute the whole message of FOSS. Novell, obviously, is 
| hoping that, as public memory is woefully short, it will be able to wriggle 
| its way back into the community. Providing such leeway is, in my opinion, a 
| big mistake.    


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