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Re: Ars Technica reviews (BUGGY) KDE 4.0

* Peter Köhlmann peremptorily fired off this memo:

> Hadron wrote:
>> I'm at a loss to understand why you think filtering on a piss simple
>> expression is so l33t. What is wrong with you one eyed banjo pluckers?
> Another fine "true linux advocacy post" from the 
> "true linux advocate", "kernel hacker", "emacs user", "swapfile expert", "X
> specialist", "CUPS guru", "USB-disk server admin", "defragger
> professional", "newsreader magician", "hardware maven",  "time coordinator"
> and "email sage"  Hadron Quark, aka Hans Schneider, aka Richard, aka Damian
> O'Leary

Who said anything about it being "l33t"?

It's about as "l33t" as Hadron using the "l33t" spelling, guffaw.

He's a real tit.

Don't forget to add "l33tsp34X0r" to his list of credits.

It is not titles that honor men, but men that honor titles.
    -- Niccolo Machiavelli

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