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Re: [News] Linux-hostile MSBBC Steps Back, Among Worst in the World Openness-wise

____/ [H]omer on Tuesday 22 January 2008 20:31 : \____

> Verily I say unto thee, that Roy Schestowitz spake thusly:
>> Status Quo: Can't watch the news in Linux
> WorksForMe®:
> http://media.slated.org/albums/userpics/bbc-news.png
> mplayerplug-in v3.45 opens this URL in the browser window, no problem:
> Of course, it would be nicer if it were an Open Format like Theora, or
> even the Beeb's own Dirac (why don't they use their own codec???), but
> MPlayer supports RealMedia (and even WMV), nonetheless (provided it is
> not DRM encumbered).
He was referring to the iPlayer in this case. As in "i", the BBC in a joint
venture with Microsoft, provide a service to "i" (and me, myself and "i"
only). The BBC is got itself into a hall of shame there for all to see. And
it's tax-funded!

                ~~ Best of wishes

Beware the Windows box spewage (more commonly known as "spam")
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