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[News] [Rival] Investigation of Possible Microsoft Corruption in Bulgaria

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Prosecutors launch inquest into Government deal with Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| Bulgarian prosecutors have launched a probe into the contract Bulgaria has 
| signed with US software giant Microsoft for the acquisition of software for 
| the needs of the state administration, Dnevnik daily reported on July 1.  
| The investigation will seek to determine whether any state administration 
| employee has committed any malfeasance, which carries a maximum prison 
| sentence of five years, Sofia city prosecution spokesperson Steliana 
| Kozhouharova told the daily.    


Maybe the Man in the Weater took the PM out for slurpee.???????????? Maybe
it's 'another Hungary' where eggs got thrown at Ballmer amid possible


Steve Ballmer Receives the Egg-treatment in Budapest

,----[ Quote ]
| Update#2: OK, enough of the fun part. As the story circulates people start
| wondering what may be the background, and since the only sources are in
| Hungarian, here’s a summary of the circumstances:
|     A Hungarian Government bid, worth $25B Hungarian Forints, roughly $157M
|     was allegedly skewed towards MS. (A ‘competitive’ bid with wording that
|     all but ensures only Microsoft meets the requirements.) A Hungarian
|     Watchdog Body (sort of like the FTC in the US) challenged the bidding
|     process via the Court system, and a trial date was set for today. The
|     trial was suddenly and unexpectedly rescheduled just as Ballmer arrived
|     in Budapest. So there may be a perception of the Bully lobbying there.


MSOOXML: What Happened in Hungary

,----[ Quote ]
| If you can't do the math, I think the bottom line is, it's looking like
| Microsoft won't let the world say no to OOXML. It couldn't ram it through the
| usual process, with the folks who understand the tech, even with some very
| odd technical committee chairperson goings on. This is the standard that
| couldn't win on merit, in short.    


Microsoft Office raid in Hungary

,----[ Quote ]
| "Such behavior could lead to the exclusion of competitive products from
| the market and violate European Union rules, according to the authority
| known as the GVH."


BG: 'Government's increasing use of Open Source inevitable'

,----[ Quote ]
| The Bulgarian government will turn more and more to Open Source software,
| predicts Krasimir Panayotov, coordinator of the GNU/Linux User Group in the
| city of Rousse, the country's fifth-largest city.


BG: Bulgaria to review its IT strategy, considers Open Source

,----[ Quote ]
| The Bulgarian government organised a meeting with Open Source companies and
| developers on 21 March in Sofia. Nikolay Vassilev, the minister for State
| Administration, told the representatives of software companies, IT services
| companies and Open Source developers that the government is about to review
| the state's IT system and that it wants to get a better understanding of Open
| Source software. The minister admitted he had once worked with Apple
| Macintosh, but had in the last thirteen years only experienced Microsoft
| applications. He told the Open Source advocates he would listen to their
| views on IT: "We have an open mind and will accept reasonable propositions."        



Bulgaria's open administration

,----[ Quote ]
| In France, government agency ATICA has supported the use of open software in
| the French public sector. In a special report to the French prime minister,
| the agency provided an action plan and the requirements for open standards.
| One of the six priorities was the use of open software in the public
| administration. Denmark installed StarOffice in its education system, and in
| addition the program was installed in the homes of students. In Spain, the
| senate, the council for nuclear security, the interior ministry and the
| justice ministry have used server applications with open code. These
| examples, however, are only about separate public structures.        


Sofia, Bulgaria: FLOSSWorld Workshop on Free and Open Source Software Policy

,----[ Quote ]
| Professor Ivan Evgueniev at the Technical University of Sofia presented
| the FP6 Open Trusted Computing project, professor Vencislav Trifonov
| also at the Technical University of Sofia presented their e-learning
| system, Mircho Mirev elaborated the activities of the Bulgarian free
| and open source software community through the Linux for Bulgarians
| portal with over 5.000 hits per day.


President praises Open Source conference in Sofia

,----[ Quote ]
| Topics include a presentation on how to configure a thin client
| infrastructure using the Linux Terminal Server Project, an outline on FreeBSD
| and its new network and transport protocols and a discussion on the uses of
| the Cluster File system.  


European spend on open source software hits 22 billion Euros

,----[ Quote ]
| Rishab Ghosh, a senior researcher at the UN University in Maastricht,
| will tell the Open Ireland conference in Dublin that the spend in the
| US on free/libre or open source software (FLOSS) stands at 36bn
| Euros and accounts for 20pc of software spend in the US.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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