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Re: [News] [SOT] Political Corruption Likely Behind "3 Strikes" Laws

Hash: SHA1

____/ Mark Kent on Friday 04 July 2008 10:13 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Write to your MEP: say no to ?3 strikes? through the backdoor
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| Could Europe be drafting a new law to disconnect suspected filesharers from
>>| the internet? MEPs have already signalled their condemnation of this
>>| approach. But last-minute amendments to telecommunications legislation
>>| could bring the so-called ?3 strikes? approach in by the backdoor. If you
>>| want your MEP to stick to their guns on 3 strikes, write to them today to
>>| voice your concerns.
>>| [...]
>>| Over in France, President Nicolas Sarkozy (who also took over the European
>>| presidency yesterday) has put his weight behind legislation proposed by the
>>| Olivennes report. The bill, which has been delayed until the Autumn, will
>>| mandate termination of internet connections. It goes without saying that it
>>| is the subject of much controversy across the Channel.
>> `----
>> http://tinyurl.com/43hxtd
> Oh dear, more corruption.  It would be useful to find out who was
> promoting, and who funded, the Olivennes report.  I doubt that this will
> be seen as acceptable in the UK, and in Germany, it's already been found
> that snooping is a privacy violation anyway, unless you're the
> government of course.  Perhaps this legislation is trying to pretend
> that ISPs are acting on behalf of the government, rather than the
> teenie-bopper pop industry.
The BBC wrote an article about it this morning. It seems as though the BPI
(???) is controlling the government behind the scenes now. Not that such
things are unusual, but you'd think that only MPAA/RIAA (US) could do this...


,----[ Quote ]
| Did you know that there are more than 34,750 
| registered lobbyists in Washington, D.C., for just 435 representatives and 
| 100 senators? That's 64 lobbyists for each congressperson.     



RIAA, MPAA urge pro-copyright vows from presidential candidates

,----[ Quote ]
| One question, for instance, asks: "How would you promote the progress of 
| science and creativity, as enumerated in the U.S. Constitution, by upholding 
| and strengthening copyright law and preventing its diminishment?"  


Maybe the next Bilderberg meeting will appoint another Sarkozy-type puppet for
a puppet regime in more EU countries (Gordon and Tony are already senior
members of the club, aren't they?).

,----[ Quote ]
| [Nicolas] Sarkozy and his family have been vacationing at
| a lakefront estate in Wolfeboro owned by former Microsoft Corp. executive
| Michael Appe.


Someone recently told me that Italy has just got its own 'Sarkozy', too.

- -- 
                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "Yes, I know, but does it run Linux?"
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