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[News] Success of Linux Tied to GNU and the GPL

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Is Linux the disruptive technology, or is it the GNU General Public License
which really shook up the open source world?

,----[ Quote ]
| Stallman's greatest contribution, however, was the GNU General Public License 
| (or GPL), which he devised to fulfill the objectives of free software. The 
| GPL has become the most prolific open source/free software license, and is 
| perhaps the greatest reason for the growth of Linux beyond its humble 
| origins.    
| The GPL, and the clause that demands that any change to the code be returned 
| to the community, may be the disruptive technology, and Linux may be 
| described as the primary beneficiary.   



The GPL is a capitalist's best friend

,----[ Quote ]
| The GPL simply protects through transparency and openness, not opacity and 
| closed doors. Many of the industry's most successful open-source vendors use 
| the GPL for this very reason.  


MS: Dancing as fast as it can to try to get away from GPLv3

,----[ Quote ]
| Want to laugh? Microsoft Says It Is Not Bound by GPLv3" -- they think they 
| can so declare, like an emperor, and it becomes fiat. It's not so easy. 
| I gather Microsoft's lawyers have begun to discern the GPL pickle they 
| are in.


GPL3 welcomed by IBM, Red Hat, Novell, MySQL

,----[ Quote ]
| The GPL is the most widely used license in the open-source realm. More 
| than 30,000 projects, which is about 66 percent of the open-source 
| projects tracked by the Freshmeat site, use the GPL.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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