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[News] [Rival] Microsoft Jack Disses Slashdot

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Slashdot: 'The downside of nerdy sites is that they attract lots of nerds'

,----[ Quote ]
| Unfortunately, one of the downsides of nerdy sites is that they attract loads 
| of nerds. These are the people who don't have girlfriends or proper jobs; who 
| live on pizza in their parents' basement, and rarely see the sun; who have an 
| encyclopedic knowledge of Star Wars but no common sense.   
| [...]
| [Jack explains why it's important]
| Slashdot's standard nerd hypocrisy is another running gag. Everyone knows 
| that anything related to Apple/Linux/open source is innovative and cool, 
| whereas if Microsoft had done exactly the same thing, it would be evil and 
| monopolistic. Double standards rule.   


Jack did a lot of Microsoft praising recently (and denies criticism in the
comments). He sees nothing wrong with a company that bullies and bribes.

According to Jack, Slashdot is filled with idiots, it should be largely
ignored, and people visit it only because they type 'slash dot' by accident in
their Web browsers.

How convenient. Maybe Jack will soon write an article about Groklaw. Oh! He
also disses USENET in this article. Anything that's being poisoned by
Microsoft's AstroTurfers. :-)

Slime ,slime, slime...
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