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[News] GPL-licensed JavaFX Has a Chance Against Flash Blobs

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Sun's JavaFX must toolup against Adobe - pronto

,----[ Quote ]
| Sun Microsystems lost the first Rich Internet Application (RIA) war when 
| Macromedia (now part of Adobe) ate its applets for lunch following a 
| schoolyard brawl. Now Sun has a second chance.  


GPL-licensed. Better to use Ajax though...


JavaFX as Rich Internet Application Platform

,----[ Quote ]
| Why free? Because developers don't want to encumber their applications with
| royalty bearing dependencies, or use technologies that predefine where
| consumers might appear. You don't build developer communities around closed
| source, you build user communities - and this is an instance where developer
| selection and adoption will define the broadest RIA marketplace. JavaFX will,
| like all of Sun's software platforms, be made freely available as open
| source, and it'll be released via the GPL (v2) license.



JAVAONE - Sun defends JavaFX Script

,----[ Quote ]
| This question was raised during the JavaOne conference in San Francisco this
| week, with an attendee wondering why Sun needed to have its own scripting
| variant. JavaFX Script is part of Sun's JavaFX rich Internet application
| platform, first announced a year ago but being filled out with product
| deliverables this year.
| With JavaFX Script, Sun is offering up a scripting language very similar to
| what already was available, argued developer Angsuman Chakraborty, CEO of
| Taragana. It is hard for developers to learn another language, Chakraborty
| said.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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