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[News] [Rival] Latest iPhone Cracked

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iPhone OS 2.0 Unlocked

,----[ Quote ]
| The new iPhone OS 2.0 software has been unlocked and jailbroken. It was 
| released just hours ago and it has already been cracked by the iPhone Dev 
| Team. The first one took a couple of months, but this one was actually 
| unlocked before Apple released it to the public. And you have had the proof 
| in front of you all morning.    



Motorola: Apple will not open the iPhone

,----[ Quote ]
| CTIA The senior director of entertainment products at Motorola questions 
| whether Apple will truly "open up" the iPhone. 


Hackers saw through iPhone AT&T shackles

,----[ Quote ]
| Hackers have succeeded in (partially) unlocking the iPhone so Apple's 
| much-hyped device can be used on at least one network other than AT&T. 


Apple Patches iPhone Security Vulnerability

,----[ Quote ]
| "For the mass majority of consumers, there is no high value to gain in 
| risking another iPhone brick," Andrew Storms, director of security operations 
| for nCircle, said in an e-mail. "With the SDK on its way, it's best to 
| upgrade, take advantage of the security patch, and sit tight for a few 
| months."    


iPhone Security Hellhole?

,----[ Quote ]
| First, the iPhone root password was broken. OK, it happens. But now it seems 
| that all applications run on the iPhone as root. Can you say biggest security 
| blunder of the 21st century to date?    


IPhone Flaw Lets Hackers Take Over, Security Firm Says 

,----[ Quote ]
| The researchers, working for Independent Security Evaluators, a company that 
| tests its clients’ computer security by hacking it, said that they could take 
| control of iPhones through a WiFi connection or by tricking users into going 
| to a Web site that contains malicious code. The hack, the first reported, 
| allowed them to tap the wealth of personal information the phones contain.    


iPhone matures the "free your phone" movement

,----[ Quote ]
| This is why FreeTheIPhone.org project is born, but even better, why OpenMoko 
| project exists. While some are trying to free the locked down device, others 
| are creating a free unlocked device from the start, and a whole software 
| framework to go with it.   


OpenMoko Neo1973 - an open source Linux based iPhone killer in the making ?


Linux Sees 'Astronomic' Growth in Mobile Devices

,----[ Quote ]
| "We were very aware that the growth in mobile for Linux was huge, but we 
| didn't know it was so astronomic," Amanda McPherson, marketing director for 
| the Linux Foundation, told LinuxInsider. "These are very encouraging 
| numbers." Why Linux has drawn significant support from the community of 
| handset manufacturers can be explained on several fronts, McPherson said.    


Google Android dev kit exposes Apple-inspired roots

,----[ Quote ]
| The release to developers of Google's Linux-based Android operating system 
| for mobile phones reveals that the prototype software shares at least a few 
| aspects in common with interfaces from the company's Bay Area neighbor, 
| Apple.   

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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