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[News] Firefox Cross Market Share Milestone (Estimated)

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Firefox market share exceeds 20%, Internet Explorer dips below 70%

,----[ Quote ]
| It has been six weeks since Firefox 3 has been released and if we believe 
| market share numbers provided by an ongoing survey of NetApplications, then 
| it appears that Mozilla has had a successful launch with market share gains, 
| especially at the expense of Microsoft’s Internet Explorer.   



Guiness World Record Certificate in your name - Firefox 3

,----[ Quote ]
| The record is 15,067,570 downloads (15 Million). Country wise, USA tops the
| list with a whooping 4 million + downloads. Surprisingly, sans the US,
| relatively small countries like Iran and France clocked more downloads than
| its larger counterparts like India and China.
| If you are one of the people who downloaded Firefox on June 17th, then
| congratulations !!; You are a part of the Guiness Book of World Records. And
| the people at Firefox are ever too grateful to forget your valuable
| contribution.


Firefox Wins the Battle, But the Browser War Still Wages

,----[ Quote ]
| The “record-setting” debut of Firefox 3 on Tuesday is generating serious buzz
| on the Web.


Photos: New features in Firefox 3

,----[ Quote ]
| Firefox 3 offers faster rendering, a vastly reduced use of system resources
| and clever new data-mining tools for your bookmarks and browser history. Most
| notable is the fact that Firefox 3 includes many built-in security-related
| features, such as the best-of-breed antiphishing protection, making Firefox
| the most secure browser on the market today. If you haven't already tried
| Firefox, what are you waiting for? Firefox 3 remains our Editors' Choice over
| Microsoft's Internet Explorer and Opera.


[Parody:] Microsoft Abandons Internet Explorer 8 Development for Firefox 3

,----[ Quote ]
| As the Mozilla Foundation releases Firefox 3 and tries to set a record for
| most downloads in a day, they will be receiving help from an unlikely source:
| Microsoft.


Ten years of Mozilla

,----[ Quote ]
| Ten years ago, Netscape announced it would release to the public the code of
| its flag ship product, Netscape Communicator 5, making it an open source
| product. The action came at a time when Netscape was still the dominant web
| browser: 65 million users and 90% market share in the educational segment
| according to Netscape’s own accounts. But Microsoft’s Internet Explorer was
| grabbing share at a furious pace thanks to it being free (at a time Netscape
| was about$30) and specially the fact that it came bundled with Windows 95 and
| upcoming Windows 98 (released on June 1998).      



Gates deposition videos

,----[ Quote ]
| Boies: Do you remember that in January, 1996, a lot of OEMs were
| bundling non-Microsoft browsers?
| Gates: I'm not sure.
| Boies: What were the non-Microsoft browsers that you were
| concerned about in January of 1996?
| Gates: What's the question? You're trying to get me to recall
| what other browsers I was thinking about when I wrote that sentence?
| Boies: No, because you've told me that you don't know what you
| were thinking about when you wrote that sentence.
| Gates: Right.
| Boies: What I'm trying to do is get you to tell me what
| non-Microsoft browsers you were concerned about in January of
| 1996. If it had been only one, I probably would have used the
| name of it. Instead I seem to be using the term non-Microsoft
| browsers. My question is what non-Microsoft browsers were you
| concerned about in January of 1996?
| Gates: I'm sure -- what's the question? Is it -- are you asking
| me about when I wrote this e-mail or what are you asking me about?
| Boies: I'm asking you about January of 1996.
| Gates: That month?
| Boies: Yes, sir.
| Gates: And what about it?
| Boies: What non-Microsoft browsers were you concerned about in
| January of 1996?
| Gates: I don't know what you mean "concerned."
| Boies: What is it about the word "concerned" that you don't
| understand?
| Gates: I'm not sure what you mean by it.


Gates Deposition Audio and Video

,----[ Quote ]
| Here is our local copy of the depositions of Bill Gates in the
| Microsoft anti-trust suit. We did our best to convert the
| original Windows Media files into an Open format, ogg. Your
| webmaster is responsible for the video transcoding, the
| audio-only files are contributed by a Groklaw member that
| requested to stay anonymous.


,----[ Quote ]
| From:       Bill Gates
| Sent:       Saturday, December 05, 1989 9:44 AM
| To:         Bob Muglia (Exchange); Jon DeVaan; Steven Sinofsky
| Cc:         Paul Mariz
| Subject:    Office rendering
| One thing we have got to change is our strategy -- allowing Office
| documents to be rendered very well by OTHER PEOPLES BROWSERS is one of the
| most destructive things we could do to the company.
| We have to stop putting any effort into this and make sure that Office
| documents very well depends on PROPRIETARY IE capabilities.
| Anything else is suicide for our platform. This is a case where Office has
| to  to destroy Windows.


Microsoft's Marketing Scheme: Software Credits for Enterprise Commitment

,----[ Quote ]
| Hmmm. Wasn't there a similar program designed to get companies to
| use Internet Explorer when Netscape was gaining market share? Next
| thing you'll know, we'll hear assertions that Microsoft Live Search
| is built into Windows and despite the efforts of thousands of
| Microsoft programmers, can't be removed.
| Our take: We have to agree with Batelle's assertion that this could
| work in organizations that are already all Microsoft; it's straight
| out of the same playbook Microsoft uses with hardware OEMs. All we
| can say is that if Microsoft spent nearly as much attention and money
| on marketing programs to develop customer value as it did on killing
| competing companies, it would be making a lot more money.


,----[ Quote ]
| "3. INTERNET EXPLORER: Unless specifically requested to the contrary
| by the end user of the Customer System and provided proper
| translation is available, COMPANY will ship MS Internet Explorer
| 2.0, and the most current subsequent higher version Product
| Releases and Version Releases thereof, preinstalled on all
| new Customer Systems..."


The Netscape Story: From Mosaic to Mozilla

,----[ Quote ]
| The steady rise of Firefox's market share – first, a few percent, then 10%,
| and now touching 40% in some parts of the world – had a major knock-on
| effect. Through an agreement with Google that makes the latter's search
| engine the default home page when the program is installed, and the first
| option for the search engine box in Firefox, the parent organisation, Mozilla
| Foundation, is receiving tens of millions of dollars each year in fees. As a
| result, Mozilla has turned from a struggling project into an incredibly  
| powerful force within open source.      

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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