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[News] More Good Reviews of Linux Mint 5.0

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Linux Mint 5.0 Light Review

,----[ Quote ]
| This month’s Linux Format Magazine had Linux Mint as one of the Linux distros 
| on the DVD.  I’ve been hearing a lot of people talk about this Ubuntu-based 
| distro.  So Mint is based on Ubuntu which is based on Debian.  Why not just 
| base Linux Mint off of Debian?  Ok, so given that it’s based off of Ubuntu 
| and Ubuntu is becoming synonymous with Linux because it’s so easy to use, why 
| would you want to use Linux Mint?      


Review: Linux Mint 5 Elyssa XFCE Community Edition RC1

,----[ Quote ]
| After spending the day tinkering with Linux Mint 5 Xfce CE, I have to say 
| this is a GREAT Linux distro. I prefer Xfce over GNOME and KDE because in my 
| opinion, GNOME and KDE use too much memory and CPU power, while Xfce is much 
| lighter on resources. There are other desktop environments which are even 
| lighter than Xfce, but they aren’t as useful or as stable as Xfce. I am a 
| little disappointed that Exaile and Gnomebaker are installed by default; I 
| prefer Rhythmbox over Exaile and Sound Juicer over Gnomebaker. I give this a 
| 9.5 out of 10       



I'm A Believer

,----[ Quote ]
| I just wanted to share with you all my life changing experience.  I always
| trusted Microsoft and Microsoft only.  For the life of me, I couldn't figure
| out why people talked of Linux as though it were the best thing since the
| Tenga devices.  Finally, my curiosity was peaked and I purposed in my mind to
| install a dual boot - Windows XP and Linux - the next time I reformatted my
| hard drive.  That day came two days ago.
| XP Took some time to install, what with Microsoft Updates and what not.  I
| made sure I left a small partition of about 80 GBs of space for Linux.  When
| the time came to install Linux, I was amazed at how simple it was to do so.
| A few questions, a couple of administrative settings, and I was well on my
| way.  The OS was installed in almost no time at all.  I had little to no
| problem configuring different aspects of Linux, which was surprising
| considering it was my first time EVER working with it.  Upon connection to
| the internet, I found that Linux had 104 updates waiting for download and
| install.  I accepted and that too took little time to complete.  And to my
| surprise, I didn't have to install the Grub interface.  The version of Linux
| I had apparently had that added into the install.  Everything seemed
| seamless.
| The version of Linux I'm using is Linux Mint 5.0 RC1.  I have to say, I can
| see why people love Linux and it's deceptively simple interface.  Just a few
| minutes of piddling around and I found myself considering Linux as a Primary
| OS.
| [...]
| To the fellow diehard fans of XP, I can assure you, Linux will not
| disappoint.  In fact, I'm writing this post in the Linux OS.



Distro Review: Linux Mint 5 Elyssa

,----[ Quote ]
| Overall I would say Mint 5 is more a case of evolution than revolution, there
| are of course improvements here which are welcome but it feels more a case of
| fine tuning things than adding big new features. The distro already does so
| much that it's hard to see what new features are really needed, though I'm
| sure the developers have plans. It should also be noted that this is based on
| Ubuntu 8.04 which is an LTS release and itself could be considered quite
| conservative on the feature front, it's about stability and consolidation
| which makes sense.


Linux Mint 5

,----[ Quote ]
| Some of my clients are non-profit companies that don’t have a lot of extra
| funds or could use existing funds in a different way instead of spending it
| on software licensing.
| So, how does Mint answer those questions?  Extremely well, actually.


A Date with Elyssa

,----[ Quote ]
| After dating Cassandra and Daryna, I spend some time with the newest Mint
| girl in town. Elyssa is her name or you can simply call her Mint 5.
| [...]
| With Elyssa, Linux Mint has cemented its place as my top rated distro for
| Linux newbies particularly those who have just migrated from Windows. It is
| so easy to use that you can call it Ubuntu for dummies. Plus, it is filled
| with necessary tools and applications that make desktop computing a breeze.
| All in all, Elyssa is yet another successful release for Mint. No wonder why
| Mint is really on the rise and has now overtaken some of the most popular
| Linux distributions.


Review: Linux Mint 5

,----[ Quote ]
| One of the hallmark Linux distributions for new users that we've been very
| pleased with has been Linux Mint.  As I've said before, it's built on Ubuntu
| and is essentially "Ubuntu done right".  With the introduction of version 5,
| Linux Mint has upped its previous level of perfection (as though they had far
| to go) and created an even better distribution than before.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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