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[News] [OT] Memorandum of 'Understanding' Makes UK ISPs Slaves of US Moguls

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UK ISPs agree to menace their filesharing users

,----[ Quote ]
| According to the BBC this week's deal takes the form of a Memorandum of 
| Understanding between the ISPs and the Department for Business, Enterprise & 
| Regulatory Reform (BERR). Under it, ISPs are reported to have committed to 
| achieving a significant reduction in illegal filesharing, and to educate 
| their customers on copyright. They need only follow the shining examples of 
| the RIAA and the BPI and lo, it will be done.     


Dying companies and corrupt governments are running scared, so they change the
law. They take away people's freedom and throw the babies out with the


Cable giants bullied into new child porn censorship deal

,----[ Quote ]
| The group will provide each cable company with a list of Web site addresses
| that they believe contain child porn.
|           ^^^^^^^
| [...]
| It is unclear what, if any, notification cable customers will receive before
| their Web sites are deleted, or what legal rights they will have to appeal
| the classification of their content as illegal child pornography.
| The memo of understanding states that the private group will provide cable
| companies with a list of kiddie porn URLs, that "in NCMEC's good faith"
| appears to meet the federal definition of child pornography.


Court Strikes Down Internet Censorship Law

,----[ Quote ]
| We just received word today that the Third Circuit struck down a federal
| Internet censorship law as unconstitutional. The law, called the Child Online
| Protection Act, imposed civil and criminal penalties on those who
| place “harmful to minors” material on the Web. Under this law, no adult, no
| matter how mature or responsible, would have been allowed to see material
| that is deemed unfit for a child. The law would have forced vast swaths of
| constitutionally protected speech off of the Web.
`----              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


New York threatens Comcast with anti-porn suit

,----[ Quote ]
| With this ongoing campaign, Cuomo has brought himself reams of publicity. But
| in the long run, his grandstanding has likely buried more legitimate free
| speech than child pornography. The likes of AT&T and Time Warner used their
| Cuomo agreements as an excuse to vaporize large swaths of Usenet where New
|                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| York hasn't found "sexually lewd photos featuring prepubescent children." And
| though the AG has successfully choked access to roughly 88 newsgroups that do
| contain child porn, you can bet the pornographers will simply move elsewhere.
`----                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


US Court Strikes Down COPA, Again

,----[ Quote ]
| A U.S. appeals court has for the third time struck down a law intended to
| keep Web sites with sexually oriented themes away from children, with judges
| saying the law is a vague and overly broad attack on free speech.
`----                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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