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[News] Endorsement of Free Software Alternatives to Microsoft Office

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Three fantastic online alternatives to Microsoft Office - Part I

,----[ Quote ]
| Another change has been the spread of the open-source software movement. 
| Desktop competitors to Microsoft Office, such as OpenOffice.org, have begun 
| to get some traction. These suites may not come with all the features of the 
| Office apps, but they don't come with its price tag, either. They also offer 
| good functionality, good support for Office document formats (as well as 
| truly open formats of their own), and you pay whatever you want to pay -- or 
| nothing at all.      
| As a result, users have become more open to considering alternatives to 
| Microsoft's ubiquitous suite.  


Abiword: One Lean, Mean, Word Processing Machine

,----[ Quote ]
| OpenOffice.org gets a lot of attention these days as a practical, no-cost 
| alternative to Microsoft Office. While OpenOffice.org does a fine job, 
| however, there are times when a smaller, faster, feature-packed word 
| processing program would be useful. There is another open-source application 
| that fits the bill perfectly here -- and it deserves far more attention than 
| it gets.     


Learning to Like Ubuntu & Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| I was coming in from Sunday School this past week into the main church 
| service when I was summoned to the audio/visual booth. There was to be a 
| presentation that morning and the PowerPoint file was not compatible with the 
| A/V computer. Why? Because the file was created in Office 2007 & the computer 
| ran Office 2003.    
| [...]
| Now all the A/V people have to do is get the Microsoft update and there will 
| be no other issues. But why should they have to go find it? Why wasn't it 
| automatically pushed to them. People with Office 2003 will (at some point or 
| another) open Office 2007 files. They don't want to find out that it doesn't 
| work. Most times, they won't even know why it is not working or how to get it 
| to work. All they want it to do is have it work.     
| So thanks, OpenOffice, for just working.



90 things that are the same in Microsoft Office and OpenOffice.org

,----[ Quote ]
| I've put together three articles, showing tasks that are the same between
| Microsoft Office and OpenOffice.org.


The Fall of Microsoft Office

,----[ Quote ]
| On the same day that the state of New York published a report supporting open
| formats for electronic documents, mighty Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) said that
| it would support the open-source ODF format in Office 2007. Redmond's own
| Open Office XML specification may be heading for the great Recycle Bin in the
| sky, never to come back.
| [...]
| I can't say that Google or Sun or anybody else just won a bigger share of the
| office software market, and if they did, it won't help their revenue or
| profits directly anyway. But it's clear as day that Microsoft just took a
| serious hit, and the impact may take a long time to make itself felt but it
| will come.


Is Microsoft Office in trouble?

,----[ Quote ]
| And, now Microsoft isn't hurrying to support its own format, but it is moving
| to support PDF and ODF... Could it be that all those copies of Office 2007
| Microsoft boasts of selling are collecting dust at reseller and retailer
| warehouses instead of being used on office systems? Could users be sticking
| with their older copies of Office and when they do want to move to something
| newer, they're moving to OpenOffice and Google instead?
| Interesting isn't it?


Microsoft can’t support Open XML

,----[ Quote ]
| If Microsoft can’t give users a compelling reason to switch from their old
| version of Office to Office 14 their cash-flow is going to slow down
| considerably.


Is Office the new Netscape?

,----[ Quote ]
| One of the cornerstones of Microsoft's competitive strategy over the years
| has been to redefine competitors' products as features of its own products.
| Whenever some upstart PC software company started to get traction with a new
| application - the Netscape browser is the most famous example - Microsoft
| would incorporate a version of the application into its Office suite or
| Windows operating system, eroding the market for the application as a
| standalone product and starving its rival of economic oxygen (ie, cash). It
| was an effective strategy as well as a controversial one.
| Now, though, the tables may be turning. Google is trying to pull a Microsoft
| on Microsoft by redefining core personal-productivity applications -
| calendars. word processing, spreadsheets, etc. - as features embedded in
| other products. There's a twist, though. Rather than just incorporating the
| applications as features in its own products, Google is offering them up to
| other companies, particularly big IT vendors, to incorporate as features in
| their products.


Microsoft earnings post-mortem: The cash cows quiver

,----[ Quote ]
| I can’t help but wonder if the lackluster Windows/Office results also can be
| attributed to Microsoft brass’s complete and crazy obsession with Google (and
| taking over Yahoo) has resulted in no one minding the Windows store. Kevin
| Johnson, the head of Microsoft’s Platforms & Services division seems to be so
| laser-focused on the online-ad business these days that he almost seems to
| have forgotten Microsoft is still in the software business, too.
| Microsoft execs’ claims about walking away from the Yahoo deal are nothing
| more than bluster. A protracted hostile takeover bid is just going to
| distract not just employees in Microsoft’s online services business, but
| company management, too. It’s not a pretty picture.


OpenOffice.org: OpenOffice.org gets its Extensions, just like Firefox!

,----[ Quote ]
| The OpenOffice.org Italian Association announced that more than 100
| Extensions nowadays are available for download.
| Everyone now can go and choose from a variety of different extensions,
| adjusting OpenOffice.org to her needs.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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