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Re: [News] GNU/Linux Supercomputer Breaks Record

In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Ezekiel
on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 15:10:16 -0400
> "Jerry McBride" <jmcbride@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message 
> news:90v2i5xnlj.ln2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


>> It just occurred to me... if IBM were to start selling Cell powered
>> desktops... it would usher in a new wave of hardware upgrades... the likes
>> of which you never saw before. Once Average Joe gets a taste of Cell and
>> Linux... the WINTEL group would begin to freeze in Hell... AMD too. Seem's
>> to me that IBM has an ace in the hole. The big question is, why and what
>> are they waiting for?
> It's absolutely amazing how you are so smart and everyone who works at IBM 
> is so stupid. The CEO of IBM should fire a few thousand people and replace 
> them all with just you, the linux advocate who posts to COLA. Clearly 
> everyone who works at IBM is completely incompetent bordering on retarded 
> because not a single one of the thousands of IBM employees is able to come 
> up with this same "brilliant" idea that took you all of 15-seconds to 
> discover.

There's also the question as to why IBM would be in such
a business at all; they after all divested themselves of
Lenovo not that long ago, and Lenovo's speciality is x86
and x86/64 desktops.  A Cell-powered desktop would be,
at least as of right now, a very limited niche market.
I could probably use such (Gentoo can theoretically be
built on any platform -- including non-Linux variants! --
once a stage1 setup is available) but few others would.

A Cell-powered game console might have a better chance,
but Sony's already got that market, and is fighting for its
life against a rather better, or at least more well-known,
offering, Microsoft's XBox 360, and the dominating Nintendo
Wii.  I don't see games being IBM's forte, though.

No, Wintel won't freeze in hell anytime soon.  I'll admit
I'm not sure what would prevent them from becoming a
religion lasting 500-1000 years (the Dark Ages, more
properly known as mediaeval times or the early Middle Ages,
started at about A.D. 476 and only ended either when the
climate improved, or the invention of the axe or sword in
the 11th century.  It is typified by disease (The Bubonic
Plague), starvation, and general stagnation.

Have we changed all that much as a species in a thousand years?

> ** Posted from http://www.teranews.com **

#191, ewill3@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
People think that libraries are safe.  They're wrong.  They have ideas.
(Also occasionally ectoplasmic slime and cute librarians.)
** Posted from http://www.teranews.com **

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