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[News] Good New Lists of Ten Items on Linux and Open Source

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10 open source e-learning projects to watch

,----[ Quote ]
| As corporate and government organizations embrace the Web for delivering more 
| education and training programs, a wealth of free and open source e-learning 
| applications will help lower the barrier to entry. TechWorld looks at the 
| options.   


10 organizations of interest to FOSS developers

,----[ Quote ]
| Over the years, I came to appreciate a number of organizations that although 
| not directly linked to free software and open source are of interest to the 
| FOSS community. Pretty much everybody knows the free software foundation, the 
| software freedom law center, the Linux foundation, The GNU project, the open 
| source initiative, Creative Commons or Groklaw.  Here is a list of other 
| extremely interesting (mostly US-born) organizations and/or projects.     


The 10 Best Linus Torvalds Quotes

,----[ Quote ]
| 9. “I don't doubt at all that virtualization is useful in some areas. What I 
| doubt rather strongly is that it will ever have the kind of impact that the 
| people involved in virtualization want it to have.”  
| 10. “Now, most of you are probably going to be totally bored out of your 
| minds on Christmas day, and here's the perfect distraction. Test 2.6.15-rc7. 
| All the stores will be closed, and there's really nothing better to do in 
| between meals.”    



Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3

,----[ Quote ]
| [Linus:] Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3" Linus is 
| quite pessimistic about Sun's commitment to open source: "So 
| they want to use Linux resources (_especially_ drivers), but 
| they do *not* want to give anything back especially ZFS, which 
| seems to be one of their very very few bright spots).

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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